Country (all)
Australia Canada Finland France Grenada Germany Ireland India Japan Korea Malta Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Philippines South Africa Switzerland Singapore Thailand United Kingdom United States Vietnam
School name (all)
Anglia Ruskin University Anglia Ruskin University Aberdeen University International Study Centre Abbotsford School District No 34 Abilene Christian University Academia International Acsenda School of Management Acumen Institute of Further Education Adelphi University Admiral Farragut Academy Adrian High School Alameda Unified School District Alberni District Secondary School Aldershot High School Alexander College Alfred University Algonquin College Allegheny College Allendale Columbia School Alma College Althoff Catholic High School Ambassador High School Amda College of The Performing Arts American Collegiate American National University (ANU) Annie Wright School Antioch University Applewild School Aquinas College Aranmore Catholic College Arbutus College Archbishop Riordan High School Archbishop William School Arizona Conservatory for the Arts Academy Arizona State University Arkansas State University Arlington Catholic High School Army & Navy Academy ‐ Boys School Army and Navy Academy Art Institute Ashley Hall Assiniboine Community College Athens Christian School Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS) Augustana College Augustana University Austin College Austin Peay State University Australian Catholic University (ACU) Australian college of Applied Psychology (ACAP) Australian Institute of Applied Sciences (AIAS) Australian National College of English (ANCE) Australian National Institute of Business & Technology (ANIBT) Australian National University (ANU) Australian National University College Avila University Aston University American University Amerigo Education's Signature Program schools - USA Auburn University Ashland University Army & Navy Academy ‐Boys School Australian Catholic University - ACU Algoma University * - ILAC Australian Catholic University - ACU Adelphi University (ADU) * - Shorelight American University (AU) * - Shorelight American University (UG) * - UPP Arkansas State University * - ELS Arkansas State University * - Kaplan Arkansas State University* - UPP Auburn University * - ELS Auburn University * - UPP Auburn University of Montgomery * - ELS Aranmore Catholic College * Aquinas College * Allion Elementary * - LBPSB Angrignon Elementary * - LBPSB American Collegiate LA (ACLA) * - Shorelight Army & Navy Academy ‐Boys School Army and Navy Academy * - GE American Collegiate DC (ACDC) * - Shorelight Allendale Columbia * - Educatius Aquinas College * - UPP Ashland University Auburn University Amerigo Education's Signature Program schools - USA American University Aston University Avila University Australian National University College Australian National University (ANU) Australian National Institute of Business & Technology (ANIBT) Australian National College of English (ANCE) Australian Institute of Applied Sciences (AIAS) Australian college of Applied Psychology (ACAP) Australian Catholic University (ACU) Austin Peay State University Austin College Augustana University Augustana College Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS) Athens Christian School Assiniboine Community College Ashley Hall Art Institute Army and Navy Academy Army & Navy Academy ‐ Boys School Arlington Catholic High School Arkansas State University Arizona State University Arizona Conservatory for the Arts Academy Archbishop William School Archbishop Riordan High School Arbutus College Aranmore Catholic College Aquinas College Applewild School Antioch University Annie Wright School American National University (ANU) American Collegiate Amda College of The Performing Arts Ambassador High School Althoff Catholic High School Alma College Allendale Columbia School Allegheny College Algonquin College Alfred University Alexander College Aldershot High School Alberni District Secondary School Alameda Unified School District Adrian High School Admiral Farragut Academy Adelphi University Acumen Institute of Further Education Acsenda School of Management Academia International Abilene Christian University Abbotsford School District No 34 Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS) Austin Peay State University Austin College Augustana University Augustana College Athens Christian School Ashley Hall Art Institute Army and Navy Academy Army & Navy Academy ‐ Boys School Arlington Catholic High School Arkansas State University Arizona State University Arizona Conservatory for the Arts Academy Archbishop William School Archbishop Riordan High School Aquinas College Applewild School Antioch University Annie Wright School American Collegiate Amda College of The Performing Arts Ambassador High School Althoff Catholic High School Alma College Allendale Columbia School Allegheny College Alfred University Alameda Unified School District Adrian High School Admiral Farragut Academy Adelphi University Abilene Christian University Avila University American National University (ANU) Arbutus College Algonquin College Alexander College Aldershot High School Alberni District Secondary School Acsenda School of Management Assiniboine Community College Algonquin College Abbotsford School District No 34 Australian National University College Australian Institute of Applied Sciences (AIAS) Australian college of Applied Psychology (ACAP) Australian National University (ANU) Australian National Institute of Business & Technology (ANIBT) Australian Catholic University (ACU) Aranmore Catholic College Australian National College of English (ANCE) Acumen Institute of Further Education Academia International Abc College Abc University Aquinas College * - UPP Aquinas College * - UPP Alexander College Abbotsford School District No 34 Allendale Columbia * - Educatius American Collegiate DC (ACDC) * - Shorelight Army and Navy Academy * - GE Army and Navy Academy Army & Navy Academy ‐Boys School American Collegiate LA (ACLA) * - Shorelight Angrignon Elementary * - LBPSB Allion Elementary * - LBPSB Aquinas College * Aranmore Catholic College * Auburn University of Montgomery * - ELS Auburn University * - UPP Auburn University * - ELS Arkansas State University* - UPP Arkansas State University * - Kaplan Arkansas State University * - ELS American University (UG) * - UPP American University (AU) * - Shorelight Adelphi University (ADU) * - Shorelight Australian Catholic University - ACU Algoma University * - ILAC Aranmore Catholic College All Saints College * Australian National Institute of Business & Teachnology (ANIBT) ANCE Australian National College of English Australian Institute of Applied Sciences (AIAS)* - StudyGroup Australian college of Applied Psychology - ACAP * Australasian College of Natural Therapies* - Laureate ATMC Education Group (Australia) Aspire Institute APM College of Business and Communication * - Laureate Australian National University College * - Study Group Australian National University ANU ACT Dept of Education and Training Augustana University * - ELS Archbishop Wood High School Archbishop John Carroll High School AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts Alfred University Admiral Farragut Academy * - GE Apple Valley Christian School Academy of Couture Art Allion Elementary Assiniboine Community College Alberni District Secondary School*- Educatius Abbotsford School District * - Educatius Athens Christian School * - Educatius Aston University*- KIC Annie Wright School American National University (ANU) Academia International Abilene Christian University * - ELS Austin Peay State University Ashley Hall Algonquin College American Hebrew Academy * - Educatius Allendale Columbia School Aquinas College Alma College Adrian High School Arlington Public High School * - Educatius Arlington Catholic High School * - IP Edu Archbishop William School Applewild School Augustana College Arroyo Pacific Academy Army and Navy Academy Army & Navy Academy ‐Boys School Archbishop Riordan High School Antioch University * - Kaplan American University Preparatory School Ambassador High School Alameda Unified School District Art Institute of Vancouver ** - ILAC ACG Tauranga Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS)** Auckland Edinburgh College ACG Sunderland ACG Strathallan ACG Parnell College Arkansas State University - Jonesboro* - ELS Arizona State University * - Kaplan Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) * - Shorelight Auburn University (AUB) * - Shorelight Army & Navy Academy ‐Boys School Army & Navy Academy ‐Boys School Acsenda School of Management Brighton University Bristol University Brunel University London Brunel University Berlin University of Applied Science (SRH) Bakersfield Christian High School Barry University Barton College BASIS Scottsdale Bates Technical College Baylor University (ISC) Beaver Country Day School Beckman Catholic High School Bellarmine University Belleview Christian School Bellevue College Belmont University Ben Lippen School Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology Berkeley City College Besant Hill School of Happy Valley Bethlehem College Beverly High School Beverly Hills Design Institute Birmingham Community Charter High School Birmingham International Collegiate of Canada (BICC) Bishop’s University Blackburn College Blue Valley Public Schools Bluffton University Bodwell High School Bodwell High School and Academy Boston College High School (Boys) Boston Commons Boston University Academy Bowling Green State University Box Hill Institute Braemar College Brandeis International Business School Brandon Hall School Brenau University Brescia University College Brevard Public - Heritage High School Bridgeport International Academy Brimmer & May School British Columbia Institute of Technology Bronte College Broward College Buckingham Browne & Nichols School Buffalo Seminary Bunker Hill Community College Burlington Central High School Burlington Christian Academy Burlington High School Burlington Notre Dame Schools Burlington School District Burnaby School District 41 Burr and Burton Academy Butte College Birmingham City University Bangor University BPP University Birmingham City University Bournemouth University Bellerbys College BCUIC - Birmingham City University International College Bow Valley College Bishop Carroll Catholic High School Brock University Berkeley College Bishop O’Dowd High School Botany Downs Secondary College Billanook College Botany Downs Secondary College Braemar College* - Educatius Brock University - MBA * - ILAC Bishop O’Dowd High School Butte College* - Kaplan Berkeley College - Paramus Campus* - ELS Berkeley College - Woodland Park Campus* - ELS Berkeley College Berkeley College - New York Campus * - ELS Berkeley College - New York* - Kaplan Berkeley College * - UPP Burr and Burton Academy * - GE Ben Lippen School * - Educatius Ben Lippen School * - GE Ben Lippen School * - UPP Brevard Public - Heritage High School * - Educatius Brock University * - Kaplan Burnaby School District * - Educatius Brock University Bishop Carroll Catholic High School Bow Valley College BCUIC - Birmingham City University International College Bellerbys College Bournemouth University Birmingham City University BPP University Bangor University Birmingham City University Butte College Burr and Burton Academy Burnaby School District 41 Burlington School District Burlington Notre Dame Schools Burlington High School Burlington Christian Academy Burlington Central High School Bunker Hill Community College Buffalo Seminary Buckingham Browne & Nichols School Broward College Bronte College British Columbia Institute of Technology Brimmer & May School Bridgeport International Academy Brevard Public - Heritage High School Brescia University College Brenau University Brandon Hall School Brandeis International Business School Braemar College Box Hill Institute Bowling Green State University Boston University Academy Boston Commons Boston College High School (Boys) Bodwell High School and Academy Bodwell High School Bluffton University Blue Valley Public Schools Blackburn College Bishop’s University Birmingham International Collegiate of Canada (BICC) Birmingham Community Charter High School Beverly Hills Design Institute Beverly High School Bethlehem College Besant Hill School of Happy Valley Berlin University of Applied Science (SRH) Berkeley City College Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology Ben Lippen School Belmont University Bellevue College Belleview Christian School Bellarmine University Beckman Catholic High School Beaver Country Day School Baylor University (ISC) Bates Technical College BASIS Scottsdale Barton College Barry University Bakersfield Christian High School Berlin University of Applied Science (SRH) Bethlehem College Butte College Burr and Burton Academy Burlington School District Burlington Notre Dame Schools Burlington High School Burlington Christian Academy Bunker Hill Community College Buffalo Seminary Buckingham Browne & Nichols School Broward College Brimmer & May School Bridgeport International Academy Brevard Public - Heritage High School Brenau University Brandon Hall School Brandeis International Business School Bowling Green State University Boston University Academy Boston Commons Boston College High School (Boys) Bluffton University Blue Valley Public Schools Blackburn College Birmingham Community Charter High School Beverly Hills Design Institute Beverly High School Besant Hill School of Happy Valley Berkeley City College Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology Ben Lippen School Belmont University Bellevue College Belleview Christian School Bellarmine University Beckman Catholic High School Beaver Country Day School Baylor University (ISC) Bates Technical College BASIS Scottsdale Barton College Barry University Bakersfield Christian High School Bowling Green State University Bellevue College Burnaby School District 41 Burlington Central High School British Columbia Institute of Technology Brescia University College Braemar College Bodwell High School Bishop's University Burnaby School District 41 Bronte College Braemar College Bodwell High School and Academy Birmingham International Collegiate of Canada (BICC) Box Hill Institute Burnaby School District * - Educatius Brock University * - Kaplan Brevard Public - Heritage High School * - Educatius Ben Lippen School * - UPP Ben Lippen School * - GE Ben Lippen School * - Educatius Burr and Burton Academy * - GE Berkeley College * - UPP Berkeley College - New York* - Kaplan Berkeley College - New York Campus * - ELS Berkeley College Berkeley College - Woodland Park Campus* - ELS Berkeley College - Paramus Campus* - ELS Butte College* - Kaplan Bishop O'Dowd High School Brock University - MBA * - ILAC Braemar College* - Educatius Birmingham City University Bangor University ** BPP University Birmingham City University Botany Downs Secondary College Bournemouth University*- KIC British University Vietnam (BUV) Belmont City College * BaBalcatta Senior High School * Blackfriars Priory School BROWNS Bond University * Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School * - Laureate Billy Blue College of Design* - Laureate Bethlehem College Bishop McDevitt High School Brimmer & May School Bishop Stang High School Beaver Country Day School Beckman Catholic High School Brevard Public Barry University* - ELS Bradshaw Christian Academy Beurling Academy Birchwood Elementary School * - LBPSB Beechwood School * - LBPSB Bellerbys College * - Study Group Baylor University Bluffton University * - ELS Brandon Hall School * - GE BCUIC - Birmingham City University International College * - Navitas Bellevue College Bates Technical College Box Hill Institute Burr and Burton Academy Ben Lippen School Bishop Hendricken Catholic High School Beaconsfield High School * - LBPSB Beacon Hill Primary School Bronte College Braemar College Bowling Green State University* - ELS Bishop Rosecrans High School * - Educatius Burlington Christian Academy * - Educatius Buffalo Seminary Bishop Kearney High School Berkeley College Burlington High School Bunker Hill Community College* - UPP Buckingham Browne & Nichols School Boston University Academy * - IP Edu Boston Commons* - FLS Boston College High School (Boys) * - IP Edu Bishop Connolly High School Beverly High School * - Educatius Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology* - UPP Bellarmine University Blue Valley Public Schools Bishop Seabury Academy Burlington Notre Dame Schools Brother Rice High School Bonneville High School Broward College * - ELS Belleview Christian School Butte College Bishop O'Dowd High School Bishop Montgomery High School Birmingham Community Charter High School Beverly Hills Design Institute Besant Hill School of Happy Valley Balboa City School Bakersfield Christian High School Burnaby School District * British Columbia Institute of Technology * - Kaplan Bodwell High School and Academy Bodwell High School * - Educatius BASIS Scottsdale BASIS Chandler Basic Scottsdale Bow Valley College * - ILAC Bishop O'Dowd High School Bishop O'Dowd High School Cardiff Metropolitan University Coventry University Cardiff University International Study Centre Comstock Park Public Schools - Kent ISD Calgary Board of Education California Flight Academy California Lutheran University Cambrian Academy Cambrian College Camden Military Academy Camosun College Campbell River Schools Campbellesville University Canada College Canada Royal Arts High School Canadian College of English Language (CCEL) Canadian Tourism College Canberra Government Schools (ACT Dept of Education and Training) Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Canning College Canyonville Academy Canyonville Christian Academy Cape Breton Language Center (CBLC) Cape Breton Language Centre (CBLC) Cape Breton University Cape Breton University Capilano University Capital University Cardinal Mooney High School Carleton District School Board Carlisle School Carmel College Carroll College Carroll University Carthage College Case Western Reserve School of Law Case Western Reserve University Catholic Central High School CCEL Centennial College Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Central Catholic High School Central Methodist University Central Queensland University (CQU) Central Washington University Centre for Arts and Technology Centre For English Language Unisa (CELUSA) Centre Wellington High School Chaffey Joint Union School District Chaminade College Preparatory School Chaminade College Preparatory School (Boys) Chapel Hill - Chauncy Hall School Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University (CDU) Charles Sturt University (ISC) Chatham University Chelsea High School Chemeketa Community College Cheshire Academy Chestnut Hill College Chico Unified School District Chilliwack School District Chino Valley Unified School District Chisholm Institute Christchurch School Christian Brothers University CIC Higher Education Cinema Makeup School Citrus College City University of Seattle Clark College Clark University Cleveland State University Coastal Carolina University College of Alameda College of Lake County College of New Caledonia College of North Atlantic College of San Mateo College of the Canyons College of the Desert Colorado State University Columbia Academy Columbia College Columbia College Columbia International College Commonwealth School Community College of Philadelphia Community Colleges of Spokane Community School of Naples Concord University Concordia Christian Academy Concordia College Concordia University - Centre for Continuing Education Conestoga College Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Contra Costa College Coquitlam College Coquitlam School District Cornish College of the Arts Cotter Schools Creighton University Culver-Stockton College Curtin College Curtin Singapore Curtin University of Technology Cypress College Cambridge School Of Visual & Performing Arts Cranfield University Cardiff University ISC Curtin University of Technology, Malaysia CRIC - Cambridge Ruskin International College/ARU College Coventry University London Campus ISC City, University of London CATS College Center for Premier International Language Studies (CPILS) Cebu English Language Learning Academy (CELLA) Cebu Blue Ocean Academy Catholic University of the West (UCO) California State University, Northridge CATS Academy Boston Concordia University - Wisconsin California State University Dominguez Hills California State University - Stanislaus California State University - Sonoma State University California State University - San Marcos California State University - Sacramento California State University - Monterey Bay California State University - Channel Islands Central Queensland University (CQU) - Townsville Central Queensland University (CQU) - Sydney Central Queensland University (CQU) - Rockhampton North Central Queensland University (CQU) - Rockhampton Central Queensland University (CQU) - Perth Central Queensland University (CQU) - Noosa Central Queensland University (CQU) - Melbourne Central Queensland University (CQU) - Mackay Ooralea Central Queensland University (CQU) - Mackay Central Queensland University (CQU) - Gladstone Central Queensland University (CQU) - Emerald Central Queensland University (CQU) - Cairns Central Queensland University (CQU) - Bundaberg Central Queensland University (CQU) - Brisbane Central Queensland University (CQU) - Adelaide Curtin University Charles Sturt University Central Queensland University (CQU) - Adelaide Central Queensland University (CQU) - Brisbane Central Queensland University (CQU) - Bundaberg Central Queensland University (CQU) - Cairns Central Queensland University (CQU) - Emerald Central Queensland University (CQU) - Gladstone Central Queensland University (CQU) - Mackay Central Queensland University (CQU) - Mackay Ooralea Central Queensland University (CQU) - Melbourne Central Queensland University (CQU) - Noosa Central Queensland University (CQU) - Perth Central Queensland University (CQU) - Rockhampton Central Queensland University (CQU) - Rockhampton North Central Queensland University (CQU) - Sydney Central Queensland University (CQU) - Townsville Cambrian College * - ILAC California Lutheran University* - ELS California Lutheran University* - UPP California State University - Channel Islands California State University - Fresno* - UPP California State University - Monterey Bay California State University - Sacramento California State University - San Marcos California State University - Sonoma State University California State University - Stanislaus California State University - Stanislaus * - Kaplan California State University Dominguez Hills California State University San Marcos Canada College* - UPP Citrus College* - FLS Citrus College* - UPP College of Marin * - ELS College of Marin* - UPP College of San Mateo* - ELS College of San Mateo* - UPP Cape Breton University * - ILAC Colorado State University* - UPP Christian Heritage School*- AIEP Concordia University - Wisconsin City University of Seattle * - Kaplan City University of Seattle* - ELS City University of Seattle* - UPP Canyonville Christian Academy * - UPP Cleveland State University (CSU) * - Shorelight Christchurch School * - ISES Capilano University * - ILAC Capilano University * - Kaplan Concordia University - St Paul * - Bridge Edu Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School *- Educatius CATS Academy Boston California State University, Northridge Catholic University of the West (UCO) Cebu Blue Ocean Academy Cebu English Language Learning Academy (CELLA) Center for Premier International Language Studies (CPILS) CATS College City, University of London Coventry University London Campus ISC CRIC - Cambridge Ruskin International College/ARU College Curtin University of Technology, Malaysia Cardiff University ISC Cranfield University Cambridge School Of Visual & Performing Arts Cypress College Curtin University of Technology Curtin University Curtin Singapore Curtin College Culver-Stockton College Creighton University Cotter Schools Cornish College of the Arts Coquitlam School District Coquitlam College Contra Costa College Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Conestoga College Concordia University - Centre for Continuing Education Concordia College Concordia Christian Academy Concord University Comstock Park Public Schools - Kent ISD Community School of Naples Community Colleges of Spokane Community College of Philadelphia Commonwealth School Columbia International College Columbia College Columbia College Columbia Academy Colorado State University College of the Desert College of the Canyons College of San Mateo College of North Atlantic College of New Caledonia College of Lake County College of Alameda Coastal Carolina University Cleveland State University Clark University Clark College City University of Seattle Citrus College Cinema Makeup School CIC Higher Education Christian Brothers University Christchurch School Chisholm Institute Chino Valley Unified School District Chilliwack School District Chico Unified School District Chestnut Hill College Cheshire Academy Chemeketa Community College Chelsea High School Chatham University Charles Sturt University (ISC) Charles Darwin University (CDU) Charles Darwin University Chapel Hill - Chauncy Hall School Chaminade College Preparatory School (Boys) Chaminade College Preparatory School Chaffey Joint Union School District Centre Wellington High School Centre For English Language Unisa (CELUSA) Centre for Arts and Technology Central Washington University Central Queensland University (CQU) Central Methodist University Central Catholic High School Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Centennial College CCEL Catholic Central High School Case Western Reserve University Case Western Reserve School of Law Carthage College Carroll University Carroll College Carmel College Carlisle School Carleton District School Board Cardinal Mooney High School Capital University Capilano University Cape Breton University Cape Breton University Cape Breton Language Centre (CBLC) Cape Breton Language Center (CBLC) Canyonville Christian Academy Canyonville Academy Canning College Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Canberra Government Schools (ACT Dept of Education and Training) Canadian Tourism College Canadian College of English Language (CCEL) Canada Royal Arts High School Canada College Campbellesville University Campbell River Schools Camosun College Camden Military Academy Cambrian College Cambrian Academy California Lutheran University California Flight Academy Calgary Board of Education Curtin Singapore CCEL Carmel College Cypress College Culver-Stockton College Creighton University Cotter Schools Cornish College of the Arts Contra Costa College Concordia College Concordia Christian Academy Concord University Comstock Park Public Schools - Kent ISD Community School of Naples Community Colleges of Spokane Community College of Philadelphia Commonwealth School Colorado State University College of the Desert College of the Canyons College of San Mateo College of Marin College of Lake County College of Alameda Coastal Carolina University Cleveland State University Clark University Clark College City University of Seattle Citrus College Cinema Makeup School Christian Brothers University Christchurch School Chino Valley Unified School District Chico Unified School District Chestnut Hill College Cheshire Academy Chemeketa Community College Chelsea High School Chatham University Chapel Hill - Chauncy Hall School Chaminade College Preparatory School Chaminade College Preparatory School (Boys) Chaffey Joint Union School District Central Washington University Central Methodist University Central Catholic High School Catholic Central High School Case Western Reserve University Case Western Reserve School of Law Carthage College Carroll University Carroll College Carlisle School Cardinal Mooney High School Capital University Canyonville Christian Academy Canyonville Academy Canada College Campbellesville University Camden Military Academy California Lutheran University California Flight Academy City University of Seattle Canyonville Christian Academy Cambrian Academy California Lutheran University Coquitlam School District Coquitlam College Conestoga College Columbia College College of North Atlantic College of New Caledonia Chilliwack School District Centre Wellington High School Centre for Arts and Technology Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Centennial College Capilano University Cape Breton University Cape Breton Language Centre (CBLC) Canadian Tourism College Camosun College Carleton District School Board Coquitlam School District Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Concordia University - Centre for Continuing Education Columbia International College Columbia College Columbia Academy Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Cape Breton University Cape Breton Language Center (CBLC) Canadian College of English Language (CCEL) Canada Royal Arts High School Campbell River Schools Camosun College Cambrian College Calgary Board of Education Curtin University Curtin College Charles Sturt University (ISC) Charles Darwin University Centre For English Language Unisa (CELUSA) Central Queensland University (CQU) Canning College Curtin University of Technology CIC Higher Education Chisholm Institute Charles Darwin University (CDU) Central Queensland University (CQU) Canning College Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Canberra Government Schools (ACT Dept of Education and Training) Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School *- Educatius Chapel Hill - Chauncy Hall School Concordia University - St Paul * - Bridge Edu Capilano University * - Kaplan Capilano University * - ILAC Christchurch School * - ISES Cleveland State University (CSU) * - Shorelight Canyonville Christian Academy * - UPP City University of Seattle* - UPP City University of Seattle* - ELS City University of Seattle * - Kaplan Concordia University - Wisconsin Christian Heritage School*- AIEP Colorado State University* - UPP Cape Breton University * - ILAC College of San Mateo* - UPP College of San Mateo* - ELS College of Marin* - UPP College of Marin * - ELS Citrus College* - UPP Citrus College* - FLS Canada College* - UPP California State University San Marcos California State University Dominguez Hills California State University - Stanislaus * - Kaplan California State University - Stanislaus California State University - Sonoma State University California State University - San Marcos California State University - Sacramento California State University - Monterey Bay California State University - Fresno* - UPP California State University - Channel Islands California State University - Bakersfield California Lutheran University* - UPP California Lutheran University* - ELS Cambrian College * - ILAC Central Queensland University (CQU) - Townsville Central Queensland University (CQU) - Sydney Central Queensland University (CQU) - Rockhampton North Central Queensland University (CQU) - Rockhampton Central Queensland University (CQU) - Perth Central Queensland University (CQU) - Noosa Central Queensland University (CQU) - Melbourne Central Queensland University (CQU) - Mackay Ooralea Central Queensland University (CQU) - Mackay Central Queensland University (CQU) - Gladstone Central Queensland University (CQU) - Emerald Central Queensland University (CQU) - Cairns Central Queensland University (CQU) - Bundaberg Central Queensland University (CQU) - Brisbane Central Queensland University (CQU) - Adelaide Curtin Singapore * - Navitas Conestoga College Cambridge School Of Visual & Performing Arts* - CEG Conestoga College Central Queensland University (CQU) Cambrian College Cranfield University*- KIC Curtin University of Technology Curtin College * - Navitas Como Secondary College Christ Church Grammar School * Chisholm Catholic College * Carine Senior High School * Canning College * Chisholm Institute Chifley Business School * - Laureate CELUSA * Charles Darwin University Charles Sturt University ISC * - Study Group Charles Sturt University CATC Design School* - Laureate Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Carlisle School Canyonville Christian Academy Canyonville Academy Camden Catholic High School Chaminade College Preparatory School (Boys) * - UPP Chaminade College Preparatory School * - GE Cretin-Derham Hall High School * - Amerigo Chapel Hill College of Lake County Christian Heritage School Cheshire Academy Cypress College Contra Costa College College of the Desert College of Marin * - ELS Christian Brothers High School Chino Valley Unified School District California Flight Academy Clearpoint Elementary School * - LBPSB Children's World Academy * - LBPSB Cape Breton University * - ICEAP Coquitlam School District * - Educatius Centre for Arts and Technology * - StudyGroup Cardiff University ISC * - StudyGroup Concord University * - ELS Carthage College Community Colleges of Spokane Clark College City University of Seattle Christchurch School Carlisle High School CIC Higher Education Concord Christian School Coastal Carolina University Camden Military Academy Curtin University of Technology, Malaysia Concordia University - Centre for Continuing Education Christmas Park Elementary School * - LBPSB Community College of Philadelphia Chestnut Hill College Chestnut Hill College Chatham University Central Catholic High School Cardinal O’Hara High School Concordia University, Portland Chemeketa Community College Confederation College Conestoga College Institution of Technology and Advanced Learning Columbia International College Centre Wellington High School Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Canadore College * - ILAC Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy Case Western Reserve University * - ELS Cardinal Mooney High School * - ASG Capital University * - Bridge Edu Concord First Assembly Academy * - Educatius College of Southern Nevada CRIC - Cambridge Ruskin International College/ARU College * - Navitas Coventry University London Campus ISC * - StudyGroup City, University of London*- KIC CATS College* - CEG Carroll College * - ELS Culver-Stockton College * - Wellspring Cotter Schools * - GE Concordia College* - Kaplan Cranbrook Schools Concordia University Chelsea High School Catholic Central High School Commonwealth School * - IP Edu Clark University CATS Academy Boston Cardinal Spellman High School Calverton School Columbus Catholic High School Carmel Catholic High School Community School of Naples*- GE Colorado Springs Christian School Colorado Mesa University Christchurch Institute of Business and Technology (UCIC)*- Navitas College of San Mateo Cinema Makeup School Chaffey Joint Union School District Capistrano Valley Christian School Canada College * - ELS California State University California State University California State University California State University California State University California State University California Lutheran University Columbia College Chilliwack School District * - Educatius CCEL Canadian College of English Language Capilano University Canadian Tourism College * - Kaplan Canadian College Canada Royal Arts High School Campbell River Schools Camosun College Carmel College Concordia University Edmonton * - ILAC Center for Premier International Language Studies (CPILS) Cebu English Language Learning Academy (CELLA) Cebu Blue Ocean Academy Catholic University of the West (UCO) Confederation College Conestoga College Institution of Technology and Advanced Learning California State University California State University California State University California State University California State University California State University Confederation College Conestoga College Institution of Technology and Advanced Learning California State University California State University California State University California State University California State University California State University De Montfort University Durham University Durham University International Study Centre Daemen College Dakota Wesleyan University Danville Community High School Darlington School Darrow School Davenport University Davis School District De Anza College DE International (Education Queensland International) Deakin College Deakin University Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) Deer Valley Unified School District Delphian School Delta School District Department of Education and Communities (NWS) Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (VIC DET) Department of Education and Training (DET) DePaul Catholic High School Depaul University DeWitt High School Dexter & Southfield Schools Dexter High School Diablo Valley College District School Board of Niagara DNA Kingston Training Dominican University Dominican University of California Douglas College Douglas College Drew University Drexel University Duke University (DKU) Dunn School Dunstable Regional High School Duquesne University (DQU) Durham Catholic School Board Durham College Durham College (DC) Durham University ISC De Anza College* - ELS De Anza College* - UPP Dunn School * - GE DePaul Catholic High School * - EduLink Darrow School * - ISES Dexter & Southfield Schools * - IP Edu Delta School District * - Educatius Durham University ISC Durham College (DC) Durham College Durham Catholic School Board Duquesne University (DQU) Dunstable Regional High School Dunn School Duke University (DKU) Drexel University Drew University Douglas College Douglas College Dominican University of California Dominican University DNA Kingston Training District School Board of Niagara Diablo Valley College Dexter High School Dexter & Southfield Schools DeWitt High School DePaul University DePaul Catholic High School Department of Education and Training (DET) Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (VIC DET) Department of Education and Communities (NWS) Delta School District Delphian School Deer Valley Unified School District Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) Deakin University Deakin College DE International (Education Queensland International) De Anza College Davis School District Davenport University Darrow School Darlington School Danville Community High School Dakota Wesleyan University Daemen College Delphian School Dunstable Regional High School Duquesne University (DQU) Dunn School Duke University (DKU) Drexel University Drew University Dominican University Dominican University of California Diablo Valley College Dexter High School Dexter & Southfield Schools DeWitt High School DePaul University DePaul Catholic High School Delphian School Deer Valley Unified School District De Anza College Davis School District Davenport University Darrow School Darlington School Danville Community High School Dakota Wesleyan University Daemen College Drexel University De Anza College Durham College (DC) Durham Catholic School Board Douglas College Delta School District Durham College Douglas College District School Board of Niagara Delta School District DNA Kingston Training Deakin College Department of Education and Communities (NWS) Department of Education and Training (SA DET) Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (VIC DET) Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) Deakin University DE International
(Education Queensland International) Delta School District * - Educatius Dexter & Southfield Schools * - IP Edu Darrow School * - ISES DePaul Catholic High School * - EduLink Dunn School * - GE De Anza College* - UPP De Anza College* - ELS Depaul University Dorset Elementary School * - LBPSB District School Board of Niagara Durham University ISC* - StudyGroup DNA Kingston Training * Department of Education and Training, South Australia Dock Mennonite Academy Digital Film Academy Dexter High School DeWitt High School Dunn School Diablo Valley College De Anza College Darlington School * - GE Department of Education and Early Chilhood Development, Victoria (VIC DET) Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) Deakin University Deakin College * - Navitas Davis School District Dorval Elementary School * - LBPSB Delphian School Durham College Durham Catholic School Board Darrow School Daemen College Drew University DePaul Catholic High School Davenport University Dexter & Southfield Schools Dean College Dartmouth Public Schools Dominican University Denver Public Schools Dominican University of California Delta School District Deer Valley Unified School District Durham College Durham Catholic School Board Dexter & Southfield Schools Dominican University Durham College Durham Catholic School Board Dexter & Southfield Schools Dominican University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Essex University EF Education First Vietnam LTD East Catholic High School East Tennessee State University Eastern Connecticut State University Eastern Kentucky University ECA College Edith Cowan College (ECC) Edith Cowan University (ECU) Edmonds Community College Edmonton Public School Board Edmonton Public Schools Edvantage Institute Australia (EIA) El Camino College El Camino Community College El Camino Real Charter High School Elgin Community College Elmhurst University ELS Language center Emily Carr University of Art and Design Endicott College English Montreal School Board Episcopal (TMI) Erie First Christian Academy Escondido Charter High School ETEA Eureka College Evangel Christian Academy Excelsia College Excelsior School Eynesbury College Eynesbury College Academy Of English (ECAE) EC English - Cape Town EC English - Bristol EC English - Cambridge EC English - London EC English - Manchester EC English - Oxford EC English - Brighton EC English - Malta EC English Erasmus University Rotterdam Embry-Riddle Aeromautics University ELON University EC English - Washington, DC Evergreen College - Markham Edith Cowan University Edmund Burke School * - Educatius Edith Cowan College * - Navitas ELS EC English - Dublin * EC English - Brisbane * EC English - Gold Coast * EC English - Sydney * EC English - Malta * EC English - Cape Town * EC English - Auckland * EC English - Toronto * Evergreen College - Markham EC English - Montreal * EC English - Los Angeles * EC English - San Diego * EC English - San Francisco * El Camino College* - ELS El Camino College* - UPP El Camino Community College * - ELS EC English - Washington, DC EC English - New York * EC English - Boston * Edmonds Community College* - ELS Edmonds Community College* - UPP EC English - Miami * Erie First Christian Academy * - GE EC English - Vancouver * ELON University Embry-Riddle Aeromautics University Erasmus University Rotterdam EC English EC English - Malta EC English - Brighton EC English - Oxford EC English - Manchester EC English - London EC English - Cambridge EC English - Bristol EC English - Cape Town Eynesbury College Academy Of English (ECAE) Eynesbury College Excelsior School Excelsia College Evangel Christian Academy Eureka College ETEA Escondido Charter High School Erie First Christian Academy Episcopal (TMI) English Montreal School Board Endicott College Emily Carr University of Art and Design ELS Language center Elmhurst University Elgin Community College El Camino Real Charter High School El Camino Community College El Camino College EF Education First Vietnam LTD Edvantage Institute Australia (EIA) Edmonton Public Schools Edmonton Public School Board Edmonds Community College Edith Cowan University (ECU) Edith Cowan College ECA College Eastern Kentucky University Eastern Connecticut State University East Tennessee State University East Catholic High School EF Education First Vietnam LTD Episcopal (TMI) Excelsior School Evangel Christian Academy Eureka College Escondido Charter High School Erie First Christian Academy Endicott College Elmhurst University Elgin Community College El Camino Real Charter High School El Camino Community College El Camino College Edmonds Community College Eastern Kentucky University Eastern Connecticut State University East Tennessee State University East Catholic High School ELS Language center El Camino College Edmonds Community College Emily Carr University of Art and Design Edmonton Public School Board English Montreal School Board Edmonton Public Schools Eynesbury College Academy Of English (ECAE) Eynesbury College Edith Cowan University (ECU) Edith Cowan College ECA College Excelsia College ETEA Edvantage Institute Australia (EIA) Edith Cowan University (ECU) EC English - Vancouver * Erie First Christian Academy * - GE EC English - Miami * Edmonds Community College* - UPP Edmonds Community College* - ELS EC English - Boston * EC English - New York * EC English - Washington, DC El Camino Community College * - ELS El Camino College* - UPP El Camino College* - ELS EC English - San Francisco * EC English - San Diego * EC English - Los Angeles * EC English - Montreal * Evergreen College - Markham EC English - Toronto * EC English - Auckland * EC English - Cape Town * EC English - Bristol * EC English - Cambridge * EC English - London * EC English - Manchester * EC English - Oxford * EC English - Brighton * EC English - Malta * EC English - Sydney * EC English - Gold Coast * EC English - Brisbane * EC English - Dublin * ELS Edith Cowan College * - Navitas Erasmus University Rotterdam Edmund Burke School * - Educatius EF Education First Vietnam Edith Cowan University Eynesbury College * - Navitas Education Queensland International Excelsia College Edmonds Community College EF Academy El Camino Real Charter High School Edgewater Elementary School * - LBPSB EC English - Melbourne * East Tennessee State University Evergreen Elementary School * - LBPSB English Montreal School Board Erie First Christian Academy Evergreen College ELS Language center Evangel Christian Academy Eastern Kentucky University Elgin Community College Eastern Connecticut State University Excelsior School El Camino Community College El Camino College East Catholic High School Edmonton Public Schools Edmonton Public School Board* - Educatius Evergreen College El Camino Community College Evergreen College El Camino Community College Fairfax Christian School Fairleigh Dickinson University Fairmont Private Schools Fanshawe College Federation University Ferrum College Fleming College Florida A&M University Florida Institute of Technology Florida International University Florida Prep School Florida Preparatory Academy FLS International Fontbonne University Foothill & DeAnza College Foothill College Foothill-De Anza College Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Fork Union Military Academy Foxcroft Academy Franklin College Fraser International College (FIC) Freedom Preparatory Academy Front Cooking School Fryeburg Academy Full Sail University Fulton-Montgomery Community College Foundation Campus - On Campus UK Florida Atlantic University Fox School of Business French-American School of New York Flinders University FAU - Florida Atlantic University - Global Student Success Program * - Navitas Flinders International Study Centre* - Study Group Fanshawe College - London Campus * - ILAC Forest Hill Elementary School - Senior Campus * - LBPSB Foothill College* - ELS Foothill College* - UPP Fulton-Montgomery Community College * - Kaplan French-American School of New York Fisher College* - ISES Fisher College* - Kaplan Foxcroft Academy * - GE Foxcroft Academy * - ISES Fryeburg Academy * - GE Florida Institute of Technology * - Kaplan Florida International University (FIU) * - Shorelight Fork Union Military Academy * - ISES Full Sail University * - UPP Full Sail University* - Kaplan Fox School of Business Florida Atlantic University Foundation Campus - On Campus UK Fulton-Montgomery Community College Full Sail University Fryeburg Academy Front Cooking School Freedom Preparatory Academy Fraser International College (FIC) Franklin College Foxcroft Academy Fork Union Military Academy Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Foothill-De Anza College Foothill College Foothill & DeAnza College Fontbonne University FLS International Florida Preparatory Academy Florida Prep School Florida International University Florida Institute of Technology Florida A&M University Flinders University Fleming College Ferrum College Federation University Fanshawe College Fairmont Private Schools Fairleigh Dickinson University Fairfax Christian School Fulton-Montgomery Community College Full Sail University Fryeburg Academy Freedom Preparatory Academy Franklin College Foxcroft Academy Fork Union Military Academy Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Foothill-De Anza College Foothill College Foothill & DeAnza College Fontbonne University Florida Preparatory Academy Florida Prep School Florida International University Florida Institute of Technology Florida A&M University Ferrum College Fairmont Private Schools Fairfax Christian School Foothill Coll FLS International Fraser International College (FIC) Fleming College Fanshawe College Fairleigh Dickinson University Fleming College Fanshawe College Fairleigh Dickinson University Front Cooking School Flinders University Federation University Full Sail University* - Kaplan Full Sail University * - UPP Fork Union Military Academy * - ISES Florida International University (FIU) * - Shorelight Florida Institute of Technology * - Kaplan Fryeburg Academy * - GE Foxcroft Academy * - ISES Foxcroft Academy * - GE Fisher College* - Kaplan Fisher College* - ISES French-American School of New York Fulton-Montgomery Community College * - Kaplan Foothill College* - UPP Foothill College* - ELS Forest Hill Elementary School - Senior Campus * - LBPSB Fanshawe College - London Campus * - ILAC Foundation Campus - On Campus UK* - CEG Flinders International Study Centre* - Study Group FAU - Florida Atlantic University - Global Student Success Program * - Navitas Front Cooking School Flinders University Fork Union Military Academy Ferrum College Fairfax Christian School Fontbonne University* - ELS Fryeburg Academy Foxcroft Academy Faith Christian Academy Foothill College Forest Hill Elementary School - Junior Campus * - LBPSB Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Federation University Fleming College Fanshawe College Fulton French Foundation Campus - On Campus US* - CEG Fisher College* - FLS Fisher College * - UPP Franklin College Faith Christian School Full Sail University Florida Preparatory Academy Florida Prep School * - GE Florida Institute of Technology * - ELS FAU Fairfield College Preparatory School Fremont Christian School FLS International Fairmont Private Schools Fraser International College (FIC) * - Navitas Fairleigh Dickinson University - Vancouver Campus Fort Smith Public Schools Fleming College Fanshawe College Fulton French FAU Fleming College Fanshawe College Fulton French FAU Goldsmiths University of London George Brown College George Brown College (GBC) George Mason University George Stevens Academy (Dormitory) Georgetown College Georgian Court University Georgiana Bruce Kirby Preparatory School Gibault Catholic High School Gilbert Public Schools Glendale Community College Global Business College of Australia (GBCA) Global Language Institute Golden Gate University Golden Hills School Division No.75 Golden West College Gonzaga University Goodwin College Goucher College Governors State University Grace Brethren High School Grand River Academy Grand Valley State University Greater Victoria School District Green Bay High School Green Lake High School Green River College Green River Community College Grier School Griffith College Griffith English Language Institute (GELI) Griffith University Guerin Catholic High School Gulf Islands School District Glasgow International College Glasgow Caledonian University Georgian College George Stevens Academy Gonzaga University (GU) Gonzaga University (GU) Green River Community College * - ELS Green River Community College* - Kaplan Green River Community College* - UPP George Stevens Academy George Stevens Academy * - GE Grier School * - GE Grand Valley State University * - ELS Georgian College Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow International College Gulf Islands School District Guerin Catholic High School Griffith University Griffith English Language Institute (GELI) Griffith College Grier School Green River Community College Green River College Green Lake High School Green Bay High School Greater Victoria School District Great Plains College Grand Valley State University Grand River Academy Grace Brethren High School Governors State University Goucher College Goodwin College Gonzaga University Golden West College Golden Hills School Division No.75 Golden Gate University Global Language Institute Global Business College of Australia (GBCA) Glendale Community College Gilbert Public Schools Gibault Catholic High School Georgiana Bruce Kirby Preparatory School Georgian Court University Georgetown College George Stevens Academy (Dormitory) George Mason University George Brown College (GBC) George Brown College Green Bay High School Guerin Catholic High School Grier School Green River Community College Green River College Green Lake High School Grand Valley State University Grand River Academy Grace Brethren High School Governors State University Goucher College Goodwin College Gonzaga University Golden West College Golden Gate University Glendale Community College Gilbert Public Schools Gibault Catholic High School Georgiana Bruce Kirby Preparatory School Georgian Court University Georgetown College George Stevens Academy (Dormitory) George Mason University Green River Community College Grand Valley State University Global Language Institute Gulf Islands School District Great Plains College George Brown College Greater Victoria School District Golden Hills School Division No.75 George Brown College (GBC) Griffith College Griffith University Griffith English Language Institute (GELI) Global Business College of Australia (GBCA) Grand Valley State University * - ELS Grier School * - GE George Stevens Academy * - GE George Stevens Academy Green River Community College* - UPP Green River Community College* - Kaplan Green River Community College * - ELS Gonzaga University (GU) Guildford Grammar School * Greenwood College Griffith University Griffith English Language Institute (GELI) Griffith College * - Navitas Green Lake High School Grier School Grand River Academy * - Educatius Grand Valley State University Guerin Catholic High School Governors State University General McLane High School Gilbert Public Schools Gulf Islands School District * - Educatius Golden Hills School Division No.75 Glasgow International College * - KIC Glasgow Caledonian University Green River Community College Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy Greenville High School Georgian College George Brown College (GBC) Global Language Institute Groton Georgetown College Gibault Catholic High School Goodwin College Grace Brethren High School Glendale Community College Georgiana Bruce Kirby Preparatory School Greater Victoria School District Green Bay High School Georgian College George Brown College (GBC) Georgian College George Brown College (GBC) Huddersfield University International Study Centre Heriot-Watt University Halton District School Board Hamilton High School Hanover College Hanson College Hanson International Academy Hargrave Military Academy Harrison College Hawai’i Pacific University Hawthorn Melbourne Headmasters Academy Heelan Catholic High School Herzing College Hesston College Highline College Higley Unified School District Hillcrest High School Hills International College Hilton Head Preparatory School Hofstra University Holmes Institute, Holmes College, Holmes Secondary College (Holmes Grammar), Hollmes House College (OHC) Holmesglen Institute Hoosac School Hope College Hopkinton High School Houghton Academy Humber College Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (Humber College) Humboldt State University Hướng nghiệp Á Âu Hyde School HIC - Hertfordshire International College Holland Hebron Academy Holy Name Central Catholic Holy Name Junior/Senior High School Hyde School - Bath Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Hawthorn Melbourne * Halton - Aldershot High School * - Educatius Halton - Burlington Central High School * - Educatius Halton - M.M. Robinson High School * - Educatius Halton - Nelson High School * - Educatius Humboldt State University* - Kaplan Hyde School - Bath Holy Name Junior/Senior High School Holy Name Central Catholic Hebron Academy Holland HIC - Hertfordshire International College Hyde School Hướng nghiệp Á Âu Humboldt State University Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (Humber College) Humber College Houghton Academy Hopkinton High School Hope College Hoosac School Holy Cross College At Notre Dame Holmesglen Institute Holmes Institute, Holmes College, Holmes Secondary College (Holmes Grammar), Hollmes House College (OHC) Hofstra University Hilton Head Preparatory School Hills International College Hillcrest High School Higley Unified School District Highline College Hesston College Herzing College Heelan Catholic High School Headmasters Academy Hawthorn Melbourne Hawai'i Pacific University Harrison College Hargrave Military Academy Hanson International Academy Hanson College Hanover College Hamilton High School Halton District School Board Hướng nghiệp Á Âu Hyde School Humboldt State University Houghton Academy Hopkinton High School Hope College Hoosac School Holy Cross College At Notre Dame Hofstra University Hilton Head Preparatory School Hillcrest High School Higley Unified School District Highline College Hesston College Heelan Catholic High School Hawai'i Pacific University Harrison College Hargrave Military Academy Hanover College Hamilton High School Humber College Herzing College Hanson International Academy Halton District School Board Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (Humber College) Hanson College Hills International College Hawthorn Melbourne Holmesglen Institute Holmes Institute
Holmes College
Holmes Secondary College (Holmes Grammar)
Hollmes House College (OHC) Headmasters Academy Holy Name Central Catholic Holy Name Junior/Senior High School Hyde School - Bath Hawai'i Pacific University Humboldt State University* - Kaplan Halton - Nelson High School * - Educatius Halton - M.M. Robinson High School * - Educatius Halton - Burlington Central High School * - Educatius Halton - Aldershot High School * - Educatius Hawthorn Melbourne * Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning HIC - Hertfordshire International College * - Navitas Hale College * Hilton Head Preparatory School Holy Ghost Preparatory School Harrisburg Academy Houghton Academy Hoosac School Holy Trinity Diocesan High School Holy Cross Preparatory Academy Hopkinton High School Holy Name Central Catholic Hebron Academy Hesston College Holy Trinity Catholic School Hillcrest High School Henry County Schools * - Educatius Humboldt State University Higley Unified School District Holland * - StudyGroup Horizon High School * - LBPSB Highline College Hargrave Military Academy Holmesglen Institute Holmes Institute Headmasters Academy Herzing College Huron University College at Western University * - ILAC Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Hanson College Halton District School Board Halton Halton Hamline University * - ELS Hope College * - ELS Holland Christian School * - EduLink Holy Name Junior/Senior High School Holy Name Central Catholic High School Hyde School Husson University Heelan Catholic High School Harrison College Hawai'i Pacific University Hawaii Pacific University Hillsborough Community College Holy Cross High School Hamden Hall Country Day School Heritage Christian School Hamilton High School Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Halton District School Board Halton Halton Holy Name Junior/Senior High School Hawai'i Pacific University Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Halton District School Board Halton Halton Holy Name Junior/Senior High School Hawai'i Pacific University INTO Stirling - Scotland Education Center INTO Lancaster University INTO Queen's University of Belfast INTO Manchester - University of Manchester INTO Manchester - Manchester Metropolitan University INTO London: STEM, Medicine and Health INTO London: Business, Arts and Social Sciences Idyllwild Arts Academy Illinois College (IC) Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Illinois State University ILSC Canada Indian River Charter High School Indiana Tech University Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Insearch UTS Institute of Continuing and Tesol Education (ICTE-UQ) Intensive English Language Institute (ELI) International Center for EAP International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) International College of Management (ICMS), (Aspire Institute; Aspire English and International Sports College of Australia) International College of Manitoba (ICM) International House Brisbane (IH Brisbane) International Institute of Business & Information Technology (IIBIT) International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC) International Travel College (ITC) INTO Oregon State University INTO Saint Louis University Iona College Ipswich Public Schools Irvine Valley College Ivanhoe Grammar School INTO University of East Anglia INTO University of Manchester INTO University of Stirling INTO Manchester (NCUK) ICWS- International College Wales Swansea INTO Newcastle University INTO University of Gloucestershire Institute Of Commonwealth Studies (ICWS) ICP - International College Portsmouth INTO University of Exeter IHTTI School of Hotel Management INTO Glasgow Caledonian University INTO Queen’s University Belfast ICRGU International College - Robert Gordon University Istituto Marangoni ISC INTO Newcastle University London INTO Manchester Metropolitan University INTO London World Education Center INTO City University London I.BREEZE International Language Center Iowa State University INTO University of South Florida International Training and Education Centre – ITEC (ĐH Khoa học Tự nhiên HCM) International College of Management, Sydney IES College ICHM IES College International College of Management, Sydney International Training and Education Centre – ITEC (ĐH Khoa học Tự nhiên HCM) Idyllwild Arts Academy * - GE Iolani School * - GE INTO University of South Florida Iowa State University I.BREEZE International Language Center INTO City University London INTO London World Education Center INTO Manchester Metropolitan University INTO Newcastle University London Istituto Marangoni ISC ICRGU International College - Robert Gordon University INTO Queen’s University Belfast INTO Glasgow Caledonian University IHTTI School of Hotel Management INTO University of Exeter ICP - International College Portsmouth Institute Of Commonwealth Studies (ICWS) INTO University of Gloucestershire INTO Newcastle University ICWS- International College Wales Swansea INTO Manchester (NCUK) INTO University of Stirling INTO University of Manchester INTO University of East Anglia Ivanhoe Grammar School Irvine Valley College Ipswich Public Schools Iona College INTO Saint Louis University INTO Oregon State University International Travel College (ITC) International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC) International Institute of Business & Information Technology (IIBIT) International House Brisbane (IH Brisbane) International Educational Services (UWE) International College of Manitoba (ICM) International College of Management (ICMS), (Aspire Institute; Aspire English and International Sports College of Australia) International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) International Center for EAP Intensive English Language Institute (ELI) Institute of Continuing and Tesol Education (ICTE-UQ) Insearch UTS Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Indiana Tech University Indian River Charter High School ILSC Canada Illinois State University Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Illinois College (IC) Idyllwild Arts Academy International Educational Services (UWE) International Travel College (ITC) Institute of Health Professions Irvine Valley College Ipswich Public Schools Iona College INTO Saint Louis University INTO Oregon State University Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Indiana Tech University Indian River Charter High School Illinois State University Illinois College (IC) Idyllwild Arts Academy Illinois Eastern Community Colleges International College of Manitoba (ICM) International Center for EAP International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC) ILSC Canada International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) Ivanhoe Grammar School International House Brisbane (IH Brisbane) Intensive English Language Institute (ELI) Institute of Continuing and Tesol Education (ICTE-UQ) Insearch UTS International Institute of Business & Information Technology (IIBIT) International College of Management (ICMS)
(International College of Managemen; Aspire
Institute; Aspire English and International Sports College of Australia) INTO University of South Florida Iolani School * - GE Idyllwild Arts Academy * - GE INTO University of East Anglia * INTO University of Manchester * INTO University of Stirling * INTO Manchester (NCUK) * International Training and Education Centre – ITEC (ĐH Khoa học Tự nhiên HCM) International College of Management, Sydney Institute Of Commonwealth Studies (ICWS) ICWS- International College Wales Swansea* IES College INTO Newcastle University * INTO University of Gloucestershire* ICWS (Institute Of Commonwealth Studies) ICP - International College Portsmouth * - Navitas INTO University of Exeter * International School of Business (ISB) - UEH International College of Hotel Management - ICHM Intensive English Language Institute - IELI International Education Services Limited IES Institute of Continuing and Tesol Education Insearch UTS IIBIT - International Institute of Business & Information Technology ICMS - International College of Management, Sydney Pty Limited IHTTI School of Hotel Management International Culinary Center INTO Saint Louis University * Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Indian River Charter High School Idyllwild Arts Academy INTO Glasgow Caledonian University * INTO Queen's University Belfast * ICRGU International College - Robert Gordon University * - Navitas INTO Marshall University * INTO Washington State University INTO George Mason University Ivanhoe Grammar School Inter-dec College * - LCI INTO Oregon State University International Language Academy of Canada - ILAC Iona College INTO Hofstra University INTO Drew University Immaculate Heart of Mary Istituto Marangoni ISC * - StudyGroup INTO Newcastle University London * INTO Manchester Metropolitan University * INTO London World Education Center * INTO City University London * Ipswich Public Schools INTO Suffolk University Boston * International College of Manitoba (ICM) * - Navitas Indiana Tech University INTO Illinois State University Iolani School Iolani School Immaculate High School INTO Colorado State University Irvine Valley College International Travel College (ITC) INTO The University of Alabama at Birmingham I.BREEZE International Language Center Inter Iolani School Inter Iolani School James Cook Australia Institute of Higher Learning PTE.LTD Jacksonville University James Madison University JMC Academy John Bapst Memorial High School John Carroll University Johns Hopkins University Johnson & Wales University Johnson &Wales University James Cook University Jamestown High School James Cook University - Brisbane campus James Cook University - Brisbane campus James Cook University - Cairns * - Navitas James Cook University - Townsville * Navitas Justin-Siena High School * - Amerigo Johnson & Wales University * - Kaplan Johnson and Wales University * - UPP Jamestown High School James Cook University Johnson &Wales University Johnson & Wales University Johns Hopkins University John Carroll University John Bapst Memorial High School JMC Academy James Madison University (ISC) James Cook Australia Institute of Higher Learning PTE.LTD Jacksonville University James Cook Australia Institute of Higher Learning PTE.LTD Johnson & Wales University Johns Hopkins University John Carroll University John Bapst Memorial High School James Madison University (ISC) Jacksonville University Johnson & Wales University JMC Academy Jamestown High School Johnson and Wales University * - UPP Johnson & Wales University * - Kaplan Justin-Siena High School * - Amerigo James Cook University - Townsville * Navitas James Cook University - Cairns * - Navitas James Cook University - Brisbane campus John Bapst Memorial High School John XXIII College * JMC Academy Jansen Newman Institute* - Laureate James Madison University John Carroll University* - ELS John F.Kennedy Catholic High School John Rennie High School * - LBPSB Johnson and Wales University Johnson & Wales University John F. Kennedy Catholic School Jefferson University Jamestown High School James Cook University Singapore (JCUS) Justin Joy Christian School Johnson and Wales University Johnson & Wales University Justin Johnson and Wales University Johnson & Wales University Justin Kent University Kingston University Keele University Kingston Kaplan International English - Spencer Dock Kalamazoo Valley Community College Kangan Institute Kansas State Polytechnic University Kaplan Business School Australia Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kennedy Catholic High School Kennedy Catholic High School Kenston Forest School KENT Institute Australia Kent State University King’s University College at Western University King's Western University College Kings Boston Kings Los Angeles Kingsway Academy Kiwi English Academy Limited Kokomo Center Schools Kaplan International English - Bath Kaplan International English - Bournemouth Kaplan International English - Edinburgh Kaplan International English - London Covent Gargen Kaplan International English - Manchester Kaplan International English - Torquay Kaplan International English - Oxford Keele University ISC Kingston University ISC Kaplan International English - Liverpool Kaplan International English - Leicester Square Kaplan International English - Dublin Kaplan International English - Cambridge Kaplan International College London Keck Graduate Institue Kwantlen Polytechnic University Kogod School of Business - American University Kaplan International English - Harvard Square Kaplan International English- Boston Harvard Square Kaplan International English - Boston Fenway Kaplan International English - Portland Kaplan International English - Chicago Kaplan International English - New York SoHo Kaplan International English - New York Empire State Kaplan International English - Sydney * Kaplan International English - Brisbane * Kaplan International English - Adelaide* Kaplan International English - Perth * Kaplan International English - Thompson Rivers University* Kaplan International English-* Kaplan International Languages Melbourne Kaplan International English*- AUCKLAND Kaplan International English - Niagara College* Kaplan International English - Sheridan College* Kaplan International English - Berkeley *-Kaplan Kaplan International English - Golden West College *- Kaplan Kaplan International English - Los Angeles Westwood * Kaplan International English - San Diego * Kaplan International English - Mount Allison University* Kaplan International English - Washington * Kaplan International English - San Francisco * Kaplan International English - Santa Barbara * Kaplan International English - Whittier, Los Angeles * Kaplan International English- Los Angeles Whittier College *- Kaplan Kaplan International English - New York Empire State Kaplan International English - New York SoHo Kaplan International English - Highline College * - Kaplan Kaplan International English - Seattle* - Kaplan Kaplan International English - Chicago Kaplan International English - Portland Kennedy Catholic High School * - ASG Kennedy Catholic High School*- Educatius Kaplan International English - Philadelphia* - Kaplan Kaplan International English - Miami * - Kaplan Kaplan International English - Boston Fenway Kaplan International English- Boston Harvard Square Kaplan International English - Harvard Square Kaplan International English - Fairleigh Dickinson University* Kaplan International English - Institute of Technology Development of Canada* Kaplan International English - Institute of Technology Development of Canada* Kaplan International English - Sprott Shaw College* Kaplan International English - Sprott Shaw College* Kaplan International English - Vancouver * Kwantlen Polytechnic University* - ILAC Kogod School of Business - American University Kwantlen Polytechnic University Keck Graduate Institue Kaplan International College London Kaplan International English - Cambridge Kaplan International English - Dublin Kaplan International English - Leicester Square Kaplan International English - Liverpool Kingston University ISC Keele University ISC Kaplan International English - Oxford Kaplan International English - Torquay Kaplan International English - Manchester Kaplan International English - London Covent Gargen Kaplan International English - Edinburgh Kaplan International English - Bournemouth Kaplan International English - Bath Kwantlen Polytechnic University Kokomo Center Schools Kiwi English Academy Limited Kingsway Academy Kings Los Angeles Kings Boston King's Western University College King’s University College at Western University Kent State University KENT Institute Australia Kenston Forest School Kennedy Catholic High School Kennedy Catholic High School Kaplan International English - Spencer Dock Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan Business School Australia Kansas State Polytechnic University Kangan Institute Kalamazoo Valley Community College Kaplan International English - Spencer Dock Kaplan International English Kiwi English Academy Limited Kokomo Center Schools Kings Los Angeles Kings Boston Kent State University Kenston Forest School Kennedy Catholic High School Kaplan International English Kansas State Polytechnic University Kalamazoo Valley Community College Kennedy Catholic High School Kwantlen Polytechnic University King's University College at Western University Kaplan International English Kingsway Academy King's Western University College King's University College at Western University Kaplan Business School Australia KENT Institute Australia Kaplan Business School Australia Kangan Institute Kwantlen Polytechnic University* - ILAC Kaplan International English - Vancouver * Kaplan International English - Sprott Shaw College* Kaplan International English - Sprott Shaw College* Kaplan International English - Institute of Technology Development of Canada* Kaplan International English - Institute of Technology Development of Canada* Kaplan International English - Fairleigh Dickinson University* Kaplan International English - Harvard Square Kaplan International English- Boston Harvard Square Kaplan International English - Boston Fenway Kaplan International English - Miami * - Kaplan Kaplan International English - Philadelphia* - Kaplan Kennedy Catholic High School*- Educatius Kennedy Catholic High School * - ASG Kaplan International English - Portland Kaplan International English - Chicago Kaplan International English - Seattle* - Kaplan Kaplan International English - Highline College * - Kaplan Kennedy Catholic High School Kaplan International English - New York SoHo Kaplan International English - New York Empire State Kaplan International English- Los Angeles Whittier College *- Kaplan Kaplan International English - Whittier, Los Angeles * Kaplan International English - Santa Barbara * Kaplan International English - San Francisco * Kaplan International English - Washington * Kaplan International English - Mount Allison University* Kaplan International English - San Diego * Kaplan International English - Los Angeles Westwood * Kaplan International English - Golden West College *- Kaplan Kaplan International English - Berkeley *-Kaplan Kaplan International English - Sheridan College* Kaplan International English - Niagara College* Kaplan International English*- AUCKLAND Kaplan International English - Bath * Kaplan International English - Bournemouth * Kaplan International English - Edinburgh * Kaplan International English - London Covent Gargen * Kaplan International English - Manchester * Kaplan International English - Torquay * Kaplan International English-* Kaplan International Languages Melbourne Kaplan International English - Oxford * Kaplan International English, Kamloops, Canada Kaplan International English - Perth * Kaplan International English - Adelaide* Kaplan International English - Brisbane * Kaplan International English - Sydney * Keele University ISC * - StudyGroup Kent International College Kinross College * Kingsway Christian College * Kent Street Senior High School * Kennedy Baptist College * Kangan Institute Kaplan Business School Australia KENT Institute Australia Kenston Forest School Knox School Kents Hill School Kingsdale Academy * - LBPSB Kwantlen Polytechnic University Kingston University ISC * - StudyGroup Kaplan International English - Columbia College* Kaplan International English - Melbourne * Kaplan International English Kaplan International English King's University College at Western University * - ILAC Kaplan International English Kaplan International English - Conestoga College* Kaplan International English Kent State University * - ELS Kaplan International English - Liverpool * Kaplan International English - Leicester Square * Kaplan International English - Dublin * Kaplan International English - Cambridge * Kaplan International College London *- KIC Kalamazoo Valley Community College * - ELS Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kansas State Polytechnic University Kokomo Center Schools Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kingswood Oxford School Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English - Columbia College* Kaplan International English - Douglas College* Kaplan International English - Emily Carr University* Kiwi English Academy Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English - Thompson Rivers University* Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English - Toronto * Kaplan International English - Seneca College* Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Kaplan International English Loughborough University Leeds ISC – Uni of Leeds Leeds ISC – Leeds Becketts Leeds Beckett University Liverpool John Moores Lincoln University Lancaster University London South Bank University Launceston Church Grammar School La Lumiere School LA Performing Arts Conservatory La Trobe University La Trobe University Sydney Campus Ladysmith Public School Lake Forest Academy Lake Mary Preparatory School Lake Mary Preparatory School (Dormitory) Lake Mary School Lake Placid Central School Lake Ridge Academy Lake Tahoe Community College Lake Tahoe Preparatory School Lakehead University Lakeland University Lamar University Lane Community College Laney College Langara College Langley Schools District No. 35 Las Virgenes Unified School District LaSalle College Montreal LaSalle College Vancouver Lasell University Laurel Business Institute Laurel Technical Institute Laurentian University Lawrence Woodmere Academy Layton Christian Academy Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand Lee Academy Leelanau Academy Lester B. Pearson School Board Lewis University Lewis University Lewis-Clark State Lewis-Clark State College Lexington Christian Academy Liberty University Lincoln Academy Lincoln Memorial University Linden Hall Lipscomb University (ISC) LIU Brooklyn LIU POST Living Word Christian School Livingstone Range School District Lock Haven University Long Beach City College Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School Long Trail School Los Angeles Film School Los Angeles Unified School District Los Medanos College Louis Riel School Division Louisiana Tech University Lourdes Academy Lowell Area Public Schools Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology (Belleville) Loyola University New Orleans Lutheran High School Associate (LHSA) Lycoming College Lyndon Institute Lynn University Lynnfield High School Lake Tahoe Preparatory School (Squaw Valley Academy) La Trobe College Leicester University Global Study Centre LAB University of Applied Sciences Leeds Beckett University ISC Lancaster University ISC London Brunel International College (LBIC) LUT University Lancaster University Leipzig Liverpool John Moores University ISC Liverpool International College Louisiana State University Long Island University Lipscomb University ISC Le Cordon Bleu, Adelaide Le Cordon Bleu - Australia Le Cordon Bleu, Melbourne Le Cordon Bleu, Brisbane, Úc Le Cordon Bleu, Brisbane, Úc Le Cordon Bleu, Melbourne Le Cordon Bleu - Australia Le Cordon Bleu, Adelaide Le Cordon Bleu * - Link2Uni LaSalle College - Montreal * - LCI Los Angeles Film School * - ELS Los Angeles Film School* - UPP Long Island University - Brooklyn* - ISES Long Island Lutheran Middle High School * - GE Long Island University - Brooklyn * - StudyGroup Long Island University - Post * - StudyGroup Lawrence Woodmere Academy* - UPP Lawrence Woodmere Academy*- AIEP Lyndon Institute * - GE Lyndon Institute * - ISES Lyndon Institute * - UPP Lipscomb University ISC Lewis-Clark State * - ELS La Lumiere School * - GE Lee Academy * - GE Lincoln Academy * - GE Lincoln Academy * - UPP Lane Community College* - UPP Linden Hall * - GE Linden Hall * - ISES Lake Mary Preparatory School * - Educatius Lake Mary Preparatory School * - UPP Lake Mary School * - GE Lynn University * - StudyGroup Lowell Catholic School*- AIEP Long Island University Louisiana State University Liverpool International College Liverpool John Moores University ISC Lancaster University Leipzig LUT University London Brunel International College (LBIC) Lancaster University ISC Leeds Beckett University ISC LAB University of Applied Sciences Leicester University Global Study Centre La Trobe College Lake Tahoe Preparatory School (Squaw Valley Academy) Lynnfield High School Lynn University Lyndon Institute Lycoming College Lutheran High School Associate (LHSA) Loyola University New Orleans Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology (Belleville) Lowell Area Public Schools Lourdes Academy Louisiana Tech University Louis Riel School Division Los Medanos College Los Angeles Unified School District Los Angeles Film School Long Trail School Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School Long Beach City College Lock Haven University Livingstone Range School District Living Word Christian School LIU POST LIU Brooklyn Lipscomb University (ISC) Linden Hall Lincoln Memorial University Lincoln Academy Liberty University Lexington Christian Academy Lewis-Clark State College Lewis-Clark State Lewis University Lewis University Lester B. Pearson School Board Leelanau Academy Lee Academy Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand Le Cordon Bleu Layton Christian Academy Lawrence Woodmere Academy Laurentian University Laurel Technical Institute Laurel Business Institute Lasell University LaSalle College Vancouver LaSalle College Montreal Las Virgenes Unified School District Langley Schools District No. 35 Langara College Laney College Lane Community College Lamar University Lakeland University Lakehead University Lake Tahoe Preparatory School Lake Tahoe Community College Lake Ridge Academy Lake Placid Central School Lake Mary School Lake Mary Preparatory School (Dormitory) Lake Mary Preparatory School Lake Forest Academy Ladysmith Public School La Trobe University Sydney Campus La Trobe University LA Performing Arts Conservatory La Lumiere School Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand Lynnfield High School Lynn University Lyndon Institute Lycoming College Loyola University New Orleans Lowell Area Public Schools Lourdes Academy Louisiana Tech University Los Medanos College Los Angeles Unified School District Los Angeles Film School Long Trail School Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School Long Beach City College Lock Haven University Living Word Christian School LIU POST LIU Brooklyn Lipscomb University (ISC) Linden Hall Lincoln Memorial University Lincoln Academy Liberty University Lexington Christian Academy Lewis-Clark State College Lewis-Clark State Lewis University Leelanau Academy Lee Academy Layton Christian Academy Lawrence Woodmere Academy Laurel Technical Institute Laurel Business Institute Lasell University Las Virgenes Unified School District Laney College Lane Community College Lamar University Lakeland University Lake Tahoe Preparatory School Lake Tahoe Community College Lake Ridge Academy Lake Placid Central School Lake Mary School Lake Mary Preparatory School Lake Mary Preparatory School (Dormitory) Lake Forest Academy LA Performing Arts Conservatory La Lumiere School Lutheran High School Associate (LHSA) Lewis University Lane Community College Lake Mary Preparatory School Ladysmith Public School Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology (Belleville) Livingstone Range School District Lester B. Pearson School Board Laurentian University LaSalle College Vancouver LaSalle College Montreal Langara College Lakehead University Louis Riel School Division Laurentian University Langley Schools District No. 35 Langara College La Trobe University Sydney Campus Le Cordon Bleu La Trobe University Langley Schools District No. 35 Lowell Catholic School*- AIEP Lynn University * - StudyGroup Lake Mary School * - GE Lake Mary Preparatory School * - UPP Lake Mary Preparatory School * - Educatius Linden Hall * - ISES Linden Hall * - GE Lane Community College* - UPP Lincoln Academy * - UPP Lincoln Academy * - GE Lee Academy * - GE Lee Academy Louisiana State University La Lumiere School * - GE Lewis-Clark State College Lewis-Clark State * - ELS Lipscomb University ISC Lyndon Institute * - UPP Lyndon Institute * - ISES Lyndon Institute * - GE Lawrence Woodmere Academy*- AIEP Lawrence Woodmere Academy* - UPP Long Island University - Post * - StudyGroup Long Island University - Brooklyn * - StudyGroup Long Island Lutheran Middle High School * - GE Long Island University - Brooklyn* - ISES Los Angeles Film School* - UPP Los Angeles Film School * - ELS LaSalle College - Montreal * - LCI Leicester University Global Study Centre * - Navitas Le Cordon Bleu * - Link2Uni Le Cordon Bleu, Adelaide Le Cordon Bleu - Australia Le Cordon Bleu, Melbourne Le Cordon Bleu, Brisbane, Australia LAB University of Applied Sciences Leeds Beckett University ISC*Study Group Lancaster University ISC * - StudyGroup London Brunel International College (LBIC) * - Navitas Lynwood Senior High School * Leeming Senior High School * Lake Joondalup Baptist College * Lexis English LTUSC La Trobe University Sydney Campus * - Navitas LUT University Liston College Lyndon Institute Long Trail School Lincoln Memorial University Linden Hall Lansdale Catholic High School Lake Ridge Academy * - Educatius Long Island University – Post Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School LIM College Leman Manhattan Preparatory School Leman Manhattan Preparatory Academy Leman Manhattan Pre School Le’man Manhattan Preparatory School Lawrence Woodmere Academy Linden Public Schools Leelanau Academy Lynnfield High School La Lumiere School Lewis University Leeward Community College Lake Mary School Lake Mary Preparatory School Las Virgenes Unified School District Lake Tahoe Community College Lindsay Place High School * - LBPSB Lester B. Pearson School Board International Language Centre (ILC) * - LBPSB LaSalle Elementary Senior Campus * - LBPSB Lasalle Elementary School Junior Campus * - LBPSB LaSalle Community Comprehensive High School * - LBPSB Livingstone Range School District Lourdes Academy Liberty University LCI Melbourne * - LCI La Trobe University La Trobe College Melbourne * - Navitas Layton Christian Academy Lamar University Lipscomb University Lancaster University Leipzig * - Navitas Lester B. Pearson Vocational College * - LBPSB LaSalle College - Vancouver * - LCI Lakeside Academy * - LBPSB Laurel Technical Institute Laurel Business Institute Lane Community College Laurentian University Long Island University LIU Brooklyn Liverpool John Moores University ISC *-Study Group Liverpool International College * - KIC Lowell Catholic School Lowell Catholic High School Lexington Christian Academy Lawrence Academy Louis Riel School Division Lincoln Academy Loyola University New Orleans Louisiana Tech University Lexington Catholic High School Liberty Christian School Lake Forest Academy Lewis Lewis Lynn University Lauralton Hall Los Medanos College Los Angeles Unified School District Long Beach City College LA Performing Arts Conservatory Langley Schools District No. 35 Langley School District * - Educatius Langara College Long Island University Lowell Catholic School Lewis Lewis Langley Schools District No. 35 Long Island University Lowell Catholic School Lewis Lewis Langley Schools District No. 35 Manchester Metropolitan University Middlesex University London Manhattan College Melbourne Institute of Technology MGH Institute of Health Professions M.M. Robinson High School MacEwan University Macquarie University (MQ) Macquarie University English Language Centre Madonna University Maine Central Institute Maine School of Science & Mathematics Malden Catholic Boys and Girls School Malden Catholic High School (Boys) Maranatha High School (Homestay) Marblehead High School Marian High School Marianapolis Preparatory School Marion County School District Marshall University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Massey University Massey University College (MUC) Mater Dei Catholic High School Matignon High School Maumee Valley Country Day School Maur Hill Mount Academy Maynard Public Schools MC Murry University MDIS Medicine Hat Public School Divison Melbourne Central Catholic High School Melbourne College Of Hair & Beauty (MCOHB) Melbourne Institute of Technology (MIT) Memorial Hall School Mercedes College Mercy College Mercyhurst Preparatory School Mercyhurst University Merrimack College (ISC) Merritts College Mesa Public Schools Miami Arts Charter School Miami Dade Public Schools Michigan Lutheran High School Middle Tennessee State University Midwestern State University Texas Miller School of Albemarle Millikin University Mills College Milwaukee School of Engineering Minnesota State University MiraCosta College Miss Hall’s School Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School Mission Heights Preparatory High School Mississippi State University Missouri Military Academy Missouri University Of Science And Technology Monash University Monmouth College Monroe College Monterey Bay Academy Montpelier High School Montverde Academy Moraine Valley Community College Moravian University Moreau Catholic High School Morgan Hill Unified School District Morgan Park Academy Mount Albert Grammar School Mount Mercy University Mount Royal University Mount Saint Vincent University Mount St. Mary’s University Mt. Hope High School Mt. Lebanon High School Murdoch College Murdoch University Murray State University Middlesex University Monash University, Malaysia Mander Portman Woodward Manchester - NCUK Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) McKendree University Montclair State University Mt. Zion Preparatory Academy Millersville University Manhattan University Missouri University of Science & Technology Missouri University of Science & Technology Maui Preparatory School Menaul School Massey University McDonnell Area Catholic Schools Melbourne Girl Grammar McDonnell Area Catholic Schools Massey University Menaul School Mercy College * MiraCosta College* - UPP MiraCosta College * - ELS Monterey Bay Academy * - Educatius Monterey Bay Academy * - GE Musician’s Institute* - UPP Marianapolis Preparatory School * - GE Mercy High School*- AIEP Mercy College* - Kaplan Middle Tennessee State University * - ELS Maui Preparatory School Maur Hill-Mount Academy *- Educatius Maur Hill Mount Academy * - GE Maine Central Institute * - Educatius Maine Central Institute * - GE Maine Central Institute * - ISES Mercy High School * - Amerigo Maumee Valley Country Day School * - GE Missouri Military Academy * - Educatius Montverde Academy * - GE Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences* - UPP Matignon High School * - IP Edu Matignon High School*- AIEP Missouri University of Science & Technology Missouri University of Science & Technology Manhattan University Millersville University Mt. Zion Preparatory Academy Montclair State University McKendree University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) Manchester - NCUK Mander Portman Woodward Monash University, Malaysia Middlesex University Murray State University Murdoch University Murdoch College Mt. Lebanon High School Mt. Hope High School Mount St. Mary’s University Mount Saint Vincent University Mount Royal University Mount Mercy University Mount Albert Grammar School Morgan Park Academy Morgan Hill Unified School District Moreau Catholic High School Moravian University Moraine Valley Community College Montverde Academy Montpelier High School Monterey Bay Academy Monroe College Monmouth College Monash University Missouri University Of Science And Technology Missouri Military Academy Mississippi State University Mission Heights Preparatory High School Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School Miss Hall's School MiraCosta College Minnesota State University Milwaukee School of Engineering Mills College Millikin University Miller School of Albemarle Midwestern State University Texas Middle Tennessee State University Michigan Lutheran High School Miami Dade Public Schools Miami Arts Charter School Mesa Public Schools Merritts College Merrimack College (ISC) Mercyhurst University Mercyhurst Preparatory School Mercy College Mercedes College Memorial Hall School Melbourne Institute of Technology (MIT) Melbourne College Of Hair & Beauty (MCOHB) Melbourne Central Catholic High School Medicine Hat Public School Divison MDIS McKendree University MC Murry University Maynard Public Schools Maur Hill Mount Academy Maumee Valley Country Day School Matignon High School Mater Dei Catholic High School Massey University College (MUC) Massey University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Marshall University Marion County School District Marianapolis Preparatory School Marian High School Marblehead High School Maranatha High School (Homestay) Manhattan College Malden Catholic High School (Boys) Malden Catholic Boys and Girls School Maine School of Science & Mathematics Maine Central Institute Madonna University Macquarie University English Language Centre Macquarie University (MQ) MacEwan University M.M. Robinson High School MGH Institute of Health Professions MDIS Massey University College (MUC) Massey University Mount Albert Grammar School Musicians Institute Murray State University Mt. Lebanon High School Mt. Hope High School Mount St. Mary’s University Mount St. Mary's University Mount Mercy University Morgan Park Academy Morgan Hill Unified School District Moreau Catholic High School Moravian University Montverde Academy Montpelier High School Monterey Bay Academy Monroe College Monmouth College Missouri University Of Science And Technology Missouri Military Academy Mississippi State University Mission Heights Preparatory High School Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School Miss Hall's School MiraCosta College Minnesota State University Milwaukee School of Engineering Mills College Millikin University Miller School of Albemarle Midwestern State University Texas Middle Tennessee State University Michigan Lutheran High School Miami Dade Public Schools Miami Arts Charter School Mesa Public Schools Merritts College Merrimack College (ISC) Mercyhurst University Mercyhurst Preparatory School Mercy College Melbourne Central Catholic High School McKendree University MC Murry University Maynard Public Schools Maur Hill Mount Academy Maumee Valley Country Day School Matignon High School Mater Dei Catholic High School Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Marshall University Marion County School District Marianapolis Preparatory School Marian High School Marblehead High School Maranatha High School (Homestay) Manhattan College Malden Catholic High School (Boys) Malden Catholic Boys and Girls School Maine School of Science & Mathematics Maine Central Institute Madonna University Moraine Valley Community College Middle Tennessee State University Memorial Hall School Maine Central Institute Mount Saint Vincent University Medicine Hat Public School Divison M.M. Robinson High School Mount Royal University MacEwan University Murdoch University Murdoch College Murdoch University Monash University Mercedes College Melbourne Institute of Technology (MIT) Melbourne College Of Hair & Beauty (MCOHB) Macquarie University English Language Centre Macquarie University (MQ) Marian High School Matignon High School*- AIEP Matignon High School * - IP Edu Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences* - UPP Montverde Academy * - GE Missouri Military Academy * - Educatius Mt. Lebanon High School Maumee Valley Country Day School * - GE Mercy High School * - Amerigo Maine Central Institute * - ISES Maine Central Institute * - GE Maine Central Institute * - Educatius Miss Hall's School Maur Hill Mount Academy * - GE Maur Hill-Mount Academy *- Educatius Mater Dei Catholic High School Maui Preparatory School Middle Tennessee State University * - ELS Mercy College* - Kaplan Mercy High School*- AIEP Marianapolis Preparatory School * - GE Musician's Institute* - UPP Monterey Bay Academy * - GE Monterey Bay Academy * - Educatius MiraCosta College * - ELS MiraCosta College* - UPP Mercy College * Menaul School Middlesex University ** Middlesex University Massey University McDonnell Area Catholic Schools Murdoch University* Murdoch Institute of Technology * Mount Lawley Senior High School * Morley Senior High School * Methodist Ladies College * Mercedes College Media Design School Macquarie University English Language Centre Macquarie University - MQ McDonnell Catholic High School McDonell Catholic High School Montpelier High School Metropolitan College of New York Manhattanville College Manhattan Institute of Management Manhattan College Mount Olive High School Merrimack College ISC Maynard Public Schools Maine School of Science & Mathematics Moraine Valley Community College Montverde Academy Mount San Antonio College Morgan Hill Unified School District Midland School Macdonald High School * - LBPSB Margaret Manson Elementary School * - LBPSB Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) * - ILAC Milwaukee School of Engineering Miller School of Albemarle Monash University Melbourne Language Centre (MLC) * Memorial Hall School Marine Military Academy Middle Tennessee State University Monash University, Malaysia Mt. Hope High School Mount Saint Charles Academy Moses Brown School Mount Pleasant Elementary Maple Grove Elementary School Mt. Lebanon High School Mercyhurst University Mercyhurst Preparatory School Mercyhurst Prep School Mohawk College * - ILAC Maumee Valley Country Day School * - ISES MDIS Mander Portman Woodward Manchester (NCUK) Missouri Military Academy * - GE Mississippi State University * - UPP Muskegon Catholic High School * - Educatius Madonna University * - ELS Matignon High School Masschusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Marian High School Marblehead High School Malden Catholic High School (Boys) Malden Catholic High School Malden Catholic MacDuffie School Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology * - ILAC Miss Hall's School Maine Central Institute Mary Queen of The Holy Rosary Middle School Maur Hill Mount Academy Maur Hill – Mount Academy Maur Hill Mount Mercy University Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment Morgan Park Academy Monmouth College Millikin University Marian Catholic High School Maui Preparatory School Maui Preparatory Academy Miami Dade Public Schools Marion County School District Marion County Public Schools Marianapolis Preparatory School Metropolitan State University of Denver Musician's Institute Moreau Catholic School Moreau Catholic High School Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School Mills College Mater Dei Catholic High School Mount Albert Grammar School Mission Heights Preparatory High School Mesa Public Schools Medicine Hat School District MacEwan University Miss Hall's School Maur Hill Maui Preparatory School Musician's Institute Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School Miss Hall's School Maur Hill Maui Preparatory School Musician's Institute Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School Northumbria University Newcastle University Nanyang Institute of Management (NIM) Nashua Christian Academy National University Nativity BVM High School Nauset High School Navitas English Services Pty Ltd Nebraska Christian School Nelson High School New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) New Brunswick School District (French Program) New England College New Jersey United Christian Academy New Mexico Military Institute New Westminster School District New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) Newburyport High School Newton Public Schools Niagara College Niagara College Nipissing University (NU) Norfolk Christian School NorQuest College North Broward Preparatory School North Broward Preparatory School (Dormitory) North Cedar Academy North Country School North Island College (NIC) North Park University North Seattle College North Seattle Community College Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Northern College Northern Illinois University Northern Lights College Northern Territory Government - Department of Education Northstar Christian Academy Northwest College Northwest Missouri State University Northwood School Northwood University Notre Dame High School Nova Scotia School Board Nova Southeastern University NSCAD University (NSCAD) Newton A level Programme Nottingham Trent University Nottingham Trent International College Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) New York Film Academy (BFA or MFA) North Arizona University NSW Department of Education and Communities NSW Department of Education and Communities North Arizona University Northern Arizona University* - Kaplan Northern Arizona University* - UPP National University * - Los Angeles - UPP National University * - San Diego - UPP New York Film Academy - Universal Studio* - ELS New York Film Academy (BFA or MFA) Notre Dame High School - Fairfield * - AIEP Notre Dame High School.Fairfield*- AIEP New England College * - Kaplan Northwood School * - Educatius Northwood School * - GE Northwood School * - ISES New York Film Academy - New York City * - ELS New York Film Academy* - UPP Norfolk Christian School * - GE North Broward Preparatory School * - Educatius North Broward Preparatory School * - UPP North Island College * - ILAC Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) Nottingham Trent International College Nottingham Trent University Newton A level Programme NSCAD University (NSCAD) Nova Southeastern University Nova Scotia School Board Notre Dame High School Northwood University Northwood School Northwest Missouri State University Northwest College Northstar Christian Academy Northern Territory Government - Department of Education Northern Lights College Northern Illinois University Northern College Northern Arizona University Northeastern University North Seattle Community College North Seattle College North Park University North Island College (NIC) North Country School North Cedar Academy North Broward Preparatory School (Dormitory) North Broward Preparatory School NorQuest College Norfolk Christian School Nipissing University (NU) Niagara College Niagara College Newton Public Schools Newburyport High School New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) New Westminster School District New Mexico Military Institute New Jersey United Christian Academy New England College New Brunswick School District (French Program) New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) Nelson High School Nebraska Christian School Navitas English Services Pty Ltd Nauset High School Nativity BVM High School National University Nashua Christian Academy Nanyang Institute of Management (NIM) Nanyang Institute of Management (NIM) Nova Southeastern University Notre Dame High School Northwood University Northwood School Northwest Missouri State University Northwest College Northstar Christian Academy Northern Illinois University Northern Arizona University Northeastern University North Seattle Community College North Park University North Country School North Cedar Academy North Broward Preparatory School North Broward Preparatory School (Dormitory) Norfolk Christian School Newton Public Schools Newburyport High School New Mexico Military Institute New Jersey United Christian Academy New England College Nauset High School Nativity BVM High School National University Nashua Christian Academy Northwood University Northern Arizona University North Seattle College Nebraska Christian School NSCAD University (NSCAD) Nova Scotia School Board Northern Lights College Northern College Nipissing University (NU) Niagara College New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) New Brunswick School District (French Program) New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) Nelson High School North Island College (NIC) NorQuest College Niagara College New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) New Westminster School District Navitas English Services Pty Ltd Northern Territory Government - Department of Education Niagara College North Island College * - ILAC North Broward Preparatory School * - UPP North Broward Preparatory School * - Educatius Northwood University Norfolk Christian School * - GE New York Film Academy* - UPP New York Film Academy - New York City * - ELS Northwood School * - ISES Northwood School * - GE Northwood School * - Educatius New Brunswick School District (French Program) New England College * - Kaplan Notre Dame High School.Fairfield*- AIEP Notre Dame High School - Fairfield * - AIEP New York Film Academy (BFA or MFA) New York Film Academy - Universal Studio* - ELS National University * - San Diego - UPP National University * - Los Angeles - UPP Northern Arizona University* - UPP Northern Arizona University* - Kaplan North Arizona University Newton A level Programme Nottingham Trent University*- KIC Nottingham Trent International College * - KIC NSW Department of Education and Communities Nova Scotia School Board* - Educatius Newcastle International College Navitas English Services Pty Ltd * North Cedar Academy * - GE New Jersey United Christian Academy New England College Northfield Mount Hermon School Nauset High School North Broward Preparatory School North Broward Prep School Newfoundland and Labrador English School District * - Educatius New Brunswick School District (French Program) New Brunswick Community College * - ILAC Nebraska Christian School Northwest College * - UPP North Seattle Community College Norfolk Christian School Navitas College of Public Safety (NCPS) * Neshannock High School Nativity BVM High School Niagara College of Applied Arts & Technology Northern Territory Goverment - Department of Education Notre Dame Jr/Sr High School Northstar Christian Academy North Country School New Mexico Military Institute Nashua Christian Academy Northwest Missouri State University * - ELS Northwood University - Michigan * - ELS Northeastern University Northampton High School Newton Public Schools Newman School Newburyport High School Northern Illinois University New York Film Academy Notre Dame High School.Fairfield Notre Dame High School New York Film Academy North Island College New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) New Westminster School District 40 Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District * - Educatius New Zealand School of Tourism (NZST) New Zealand Management Academies (NZMA) Northern Arizona University Northern Alberta Institution of Technology (NAIT Polytechnic) * - ILAC NorQuest College Notre Dame High School.Fairfield Notre Dame High School Notre Dame High School.Fairfield Notre Dame High School ONCAMPUS University of Hull ONCAMPUS University of Sunderland ONCAMPUS Loughborough University ONCAMPUS UCLAN- University of Central Lancashire ONCAMPUS Aston University ONCAMPUS University of Southampton ONCAMPUS London South Bank University ONCAMPUS London ONCAMPUS University of Reading Oak Grove School Oak Hill Academy Oak Park Unified School District Oakwood Friends School OCAD University Oglethorpe University (ISC) Ohio Dominican University Ohio University Ohio Valley University Ohio Wesleyan University Ohlone College Ojai Valley School Oklahoma City University Oklahoma State University (OSU) Oldfields School Ontario Tech University (UOIT) Orange Coast College Orange County Public Schools Oregon State University Origo Education Group - NCUK Ottawa Catholic School Board Ottawa University Our Lady of Good Counsel High School Oxford College of Canada (OCC) OMGE Global Academy Ontario Tech University Ontario Tech University Ozford College Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Ohio Valley University * - Wellspring Otterbein University * - ELS Ottawa-Carleton School Board * - Educatius Orange Coast College * - ELS Orange Coast College* - UPP Oakwood & Friends School * - Educatius Oakwood Friend * - GE Oregon State University * - UPP Ozford College Ontario Tech University Ontario Tech University OMGE Global Academy Oxford College of Canada (OCC) Our Lady of Good Counsel High School Ottawa University Ottawa Catholic School Board Origo Education Group - NCUK Oregon State University Orange County Public Schools Orange Coast College Ontario Tech University (UOIT) Oldfields School Oklahoma State University (OSU) Oklahoma City University Ojai Valley School Ohlone College Ohio Wesleyan University Ohio Valley University Ohio University Ohio Dominican University Oglethorpe University (ISC) OCAD University Oakwood Friends School Oak Park Unified School District Oak Hill Academy Oak Grove School Origo Education Group - NCUK Our Lady of Good Counsel High School Ottawa University Oklahoma State University (OSU) Oregon State University Orange County Public Schools Orange Coast College Oldfields School Oklahoma City University Ojai Valley School Ohlone College Ohio Wesleyan University Ohio Valley University Ohio University Ohio Dominican University Oglethorpe University (ISC) Oakwood Friends School Oak Park Unified School District Oak Hill Academy Oak Grove School Ottawa Catholic School Board Ontario Tech University (UOIT) OCAD University Oxford College of Canada (OCC) Ontario Tech University (UOIT) Ozford College Oregon State University * - UPP Oakwood Friend * - GE Oakwood & Friends School * - Educatius Orange Coast College* - UPP Orange Coast College * - ELS Ottawa-Carleton School Board * - Educatius Otterbein University * - ELS Ohio Valley University * - Wellspring Oak Hill Academy Our Lady of Perpetual Help School OMGE Global Academy Our Lady of Good Counsel High School Ottawa University Ottawa Catholic School Board*- Educatius Ottawa – Carleton District School Board Ottawa Orono High School Oregon State University Orange County Public Schools Ontario Tech University (UOIT) Oldfields School Oklahoma City University* - ELS Okanagan College * - ILAC Ojai Valley School Ohlone College Ohio University* - UPP Ohio Dominican University * - ELS Oglethorpe University ISC * - Study Group Oakwood Friend Oakwood Friends School Oakland Public Schools Oak Park Unified School District Oak Grove School Portsmouth University Pope John Paul II High School Pace University PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL HOTEL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL (PIHMS) Pakuranga College Palm Beach Atlantic University Palomar College Papatoetoe High School Paradise Valley Christian College Prep Paradise Valley Unified School District Peel District School Board Pembina Trails School Division Peninsula College Pepperdine University Perkiomen School Perth International College of English (P.I.C.E) Phoenix Academy Phoenix Christian Preparatory School Pierce College Pilgrim School Pioneer Academy Plymouth State University Point Park University Pope Francis Preparatory School Port Alberni School District Poudre School District Presentation of Mary Academy Professional Golfers Career College Providence Catholic Provo School District Purdue University Fort Wayne PUIC - Plymouth University International College Pines International Academy Philinter Education Center Pacific Lutheran University Pingree School Paraparaumu College Providence Catholic High School Pakuranga College Pacific College Pace University English Language Institute Place Cartier Adult Centre * - LBPSB Pace University English Language Institute Pacific College Pakuranga College Providence Catholic High School Paraparaumu College Presbyterian Ladies College * Pope John Paul II High School Pingree School Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary * - LBPSB Peace River School District*- Educatius Pilgrim School * - ISES Pilgrim School * - GE Pioneer Academy * - GE Pierce College * - Kaplan Purdue University Fort Wayne * - ELS Perkiomen School * - GE Perkiomen School * - ISES Pacific Lutheran University Philinter Education Center Pines International Academy PUIC - Plymouth University International College Purdue University Fort Wayne Provo School District Providence Catholic Professional Golfers Career College Presentation of Mary Academy Poudre School District Port Alberni School District Pope Francis Preparatory School Point Park University Plymouth State University Pioneer Academy Pilgrim School Pierce College Phoenix Christian Preparatory School Phoenix Academy Perth International College of English (P.I.C.E) Perkiomen School Pepperdine University Peninsula College Pembina Trails School Division Peel District School Board Paradise Valley Unified School District Paradise Valley Christian College Prep Papatoetoe High School Palomar College Palm Beach Atlantic University Pakuranga College PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL HOTEL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL (PIHMS) Pace University Papatoetoe High School Pakuranga College PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL HOTEL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL (PIHMS) Purdue University Fort Wayne Provo School District Providence Catholic Professional Golfers Career College Presentation of Mary Academy Poudre School District Pope Francis Preparatory School Point Park University Plymouth State University Pioneer Academy Pilgrim School Pierce College Phoenix Christian Preparatory School Perkiomen School Pepperdine University Paradise Valley Unified School District Paradise Valley Christian College Prep Palomar College Palm Beach Atlantic University Pace University Purdue University Fort Wayne Pierce College Peninsula College Port Alberni School District Pembina Trails School Division Peel District School Board Phoenix Academy Perth International College of English (P.I.C.E) Presentation of Mary Academy Perkiomen School * - ISES Perkiomen School * - GE Purdue University Fort Wayne * - ELS Pierce College * - Kaplan Pierce College Pioneer Academy * - GE Pilgrim School * - GE Pilgrim School * - ISES PUIC - Plymouth University International College * - Navitas Peace River School District*- Educatius Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary * - LBPSB Professional Golfers Career College Pingree School Pope John Paul II High School Presbyterian Ladies College * Perkiomen School Paraparaumu College Providence Catholic High School Providence Catholic Pakuranga College Pines International Academy Pacific College Pace University English Language Institute Pace University Phoenix Academy Place Cartier Adult Centre * - LBPSB Purdue University Fort Wayne Provo School District Presentation of Mary Academy Portsmouth Christian Academy Portland Christian High School Port Alberni School District * - Educatius Pope Francis Preparatory School Pope Francis High School Point Park University Plymouth State University Pioneer Valley Christian Academy Pioneer Academy Pinkerton Academy Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School * - LBPSB Pierrefonds Comprehensive H.S.- LBPSP* Pierce College Phoenix Christian Preparatory School Phoenix Christian Academy Philinter Education Center Philadelphia University Peninsula College Pembina Trails School Division Peel District School Board Pearson Electrotechnology Centre * - LBPSB Paradise Valley Unified School District Paradise Valley Christian Prep Papatoetoe High School Palomar College PACC Vocational Centre * - LBPSB PACC Adult Education Centre * - LBPSB Queen Mary, University of London Queen Mary University of London Qualicum School District Quality Training and Hospitality College Quarry Lane School Queens College Queensland International College Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Queen’s University Belfast Queens College, City University of New York Queensland International College Queensland University of Technology Queensland International College Queensland University of Technology Queens College, City University of New York Quinns Baptist College * Qualicum School District * - Educatius Quarry Lane School * - UPP Quinnipiac University* - Kaplan Queens College - Global Student Success Program Queen’s University Belfast Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Queensland International College Queens College Quarry Lane School Quality Training and Hospitality College Qualicum School District Queens College Quarry Lane School Qualicum School District Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Queensland International College Quality Training and Hospitality College Queens College - Global Student Success Program Quinnipiac University* - Kaplan Quarry Lane School * - UPP Queen’s University Belfast Qualicum School District * - Educatius Quinns Baptist College * Queens College, City University of New York Queensland University of Technology Queensland International College Quality Training and Hospitality College Quinnipiac University Quarry Lane School Royal Holloway Reading University Robert Gordon University Roehampton University Raffles Singapore Rider University Radford University Rancho Solano Preparatory School Randolph College Randolph-Macon Academy Red Deer College Red River College Richard Bland College of William & Mary Richmond District School Rivermont Collegiate Riverside City College Riverstone International School RMIT University RMIT University (Australia) Roanoke College Robertson College Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester Public Schools Rockford Christian Schools Rockford High School Rocky Mountain College of Art Design Rocky Mountain School District Roosevelt University Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rosemont College Ross School Rowan University Royal Roads University (ISC) Rutgers Preparatory School Rutgers University - Camden Ryerson University International College (RUIC) Raffles Design International - Mumbai/India Raffles International College - Bangkok/Thailand Royal Holloway University of London ISC Raflles American School Raffles University Iskandar Raffles University Singapore Richard Bland College of William&Mary Red Bank Catholic High School Randolph RMIT International University Vietnam Raffles College of Higher Education - Singapore * RMIT International University Vietnam Raffles International College - Bangkok/Thailand* Randolph Rehoboth Christian College * Red Bank Catholic High School Richard Bland College of William&Mary Raffles Design International - Mumbai/India* Raffles University Singapore Rancho Solano Preparatory School*- GE Rutgers University - Camden * - ELS Rider University * - ELS Royal Roads University ISC * - StudyGroup Raffles University Iskandar Raflles American School Royal Holloway University of London ISC Raffles International College - Bangkok/Thailand Raffles Design International - Mumbai/India Ryerson University International College (RUIC) Rutgers University - Camden Rutgers Preparatory School Royal Roads University (ISC) Rowan University Ross School Rosemont College Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Roosevelt University Rocky Mountain School District Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design Rockford High School Rockford Christian Schools Rochester Public Schools Rochester Institute of Technology Robertson College Roanoke College RMIT University (Australia) RMIT University Riverstone International School Riverside City College Rivermont Collegiate Rider University Richmond District School Richard Bland College of William & Mary Red River College Red Deer College Randolph-Macon Academy Randolph College Rancho Solano Preparatory School Raffles Singapore Radford University Raffles Singapore Rutgers University - Camden Rutgers Preparatory School Rowan University Ross School Rosemont College Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Roosevelt University ISC Roosevelt University Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design Rockford High School Rockford Christian Schools Rochester Public Schools Rochester Institute of Technology Roanoke College Riverstone International School Riverside City College Rivermont Collegiate Rider University Richard Bland College of William & Mary Randolph-Macon Academy Randolph College Rancho Solano Preparatory School Radford University Ryerson University Ryerson University International College (RUIC) Royal Roads University (ISC) Rocky Mountain School District Red River College Red Deer College Royal Roads University Robertson College Richmond District School Red River College RMIT University (Australia) RMIT University Royal Roads University ISC * - StudyGroup Rider University * - ELS Rutgers University - Camden * - ELS Rocky Mountain College of Art Design Rancho Solano Preparatory School*- GE Raffles University Singapore Raffles Design International - Mumbai/India* Richard Bland College of William & Mary Rutgers Preparatory School Rosemont College Red Bank Catholic High School Rehoboth Christian College * Rocky Mountain School District * - Educatius Randolph Rivermont Collegiate Raffles International College - Bangkok/Thailand* Royal Holloway University of London ISC*-Study Group RMIT International University Vietnam Raffles College of Higher Education - Singapore * Ryerson University International College * - Navitas Rutgers University Royal Roads University * - ILAC Royal Roads University Ross School Roosevelt University ISC Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design Rocky Hill School Rockford High School *- Educatius Rockford Christian Schools * - Educatius Rochester Public Schools*-Educatius RMIT University Riverview Elementary School * - LBPSB Riverstone International School Riverside City College Riverdale High School * - LBPSB Rider University Richmond District School Red River College Rancho Solano Preparatory School Raflles American School Raffles University Iskandar * Swansea University Sussex Surrey Surrey University Sheffield Strathclyde Stony Brook University Squaw Valley Academy St. Andrew School Southern Cross University Saddleback College SAE Creative Media Institute / Qantm College Saginaw Valley State University Saint Bernard School Saint Edward's School Saint Francis University Saint John's preparatory school Saint Joseph Preparatory High School Saint Joseph's University Saint Leo University Saint Louis University Saint Mary’s School Saint Paul Lutheran High School Saint Peter's University Salem University Salisbury School Salve Regina University San Diego State University American Language Institute (ALI) San Domenico School San Joaquin Memorial High School San Luis Coastal Unified School District San Marcos Academy San Mateo County Community College District Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College Santa Barbara Unified School District Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Junior College Santiago Canyon College Sarina Russo School Australia Saskatchewan Polytechnic Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Scecina Memorial High School Schaumburg Christian School Schools of the Sacred Heart & Berchmans Academy Scottsburg High School Scottsdale Unified School District Seattle Central College Seattle College Seattle Pacific University Seneca College Sequoia Charter Schools District Seton Catholic Preparatory Shafston International College Shattuck-St. Mary's School Shenandoah University Shepherd University Sheridan College Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Shore Regional High School Shoreline Community College Sierra Vista School District Simcoe County District School Board Simon Fraser University Sinclair Community College Skyline College Solebury School Sooke School District 62 South Australia College of English (SACE) South Australian Institute of Business and Technology )(SAIBT) South Dakota School of Mines & Technology South Dakota State University South Kent School South Puget Sound Community College South Seattle College Southeast Missouri State University Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Southern Arkansas University Southern Cross Education Institute (SCEI) Southern Cross University (SCU) Southern Cross University (SCU) Southern New Hampshire University Southern Ontario Collegiate (SOC) Southwestern Academy Southwestern College Southwestern University Spokane Community College Spokane Falls Community College Sprott Shaw College St Aloysius College St Andrew’s College St Dominic’s Catholic College St John’s International College St Johns Preparatory School St. Johnsbury Academy St Margaret's School St. Bernard Preparatory School St. Catherine University St. Christine School St. Clair College St. Francis High School St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School St. John Bosco High School St. John Paul II Catholic High School St. John Paul II High School St. John’s Academy St. John's Jesuit High School St. John’s Ravenscourt School St. Joseph Academy St. Joseph Notre Dame High School St. Lawrence College (SLC) St. Margaret's School St. Mary's Ryken High School St. Norbert College St. Paul’s International College St. Timothy's School Stanley College State University of New York Polytechnic Institute (SUNY) Steamboat Mountain School Stenberg College Stenberg College International (SCI) Sterling College Stetson University Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT) Stockton University Stoneleigh Burnham School Stott’s Colleges Stowe High School Stuart Hall School Subiaco Academy Suffolk University Boston Surrey School District, International Education Department Susquehanna University Swinburne University of Technology Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield Hallam University Stamford International University SAE Institute GmbH - Germany Stafford House International SMEAG Global Education Springdale Preparatory School Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville Seton Hill University Sault College Seattle University SUNY Morrisville Seton Hall University Southern Alberta Institute of Technology St. Andrew’s School Saint George’s School SUNY - State University of New York Polytechnic Institute St. Mary’s Catholic High School Saint Mary’s High School SUNY State University of New York Fulton Montgomery Community College Swinburne University Vietnam Singapore Institute of Management - SIM State University of New York at Oswego SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences Scotch College Smithtown Christian School Sharpsville High School Saint Andrew's St. Thomas More School Southern Cross Education Institute, SCEI St. Mary's Catholic High School Saint Mary's High School Springwood School Schools of the Sacred Heart & Berchmans Academy St John’s International College Southern Illinois University Sunshine Academy Saint John’s High School St. Mary's High School St John’s Anglican College St Aloysius College - Adelaide Southern Cross University - SCU South Australia College of English SUNY SUNY Sullivan University Stoneleigh St. Vincent de Paul High School St. Pius X High School St. Philip Catholic Central High School St. Peter St. Paul Catholic High School St. Patrick St. Mary Academy St. Joseph's Preparatory School St. Joseph High School St. John Fisher Senior Campus St. James Catholic Middle School St. Edmund Elementary School St. Andrew's School St. Andrews School St Patrick Elementary School St Dominic’s Catholic College Southern School of Natural Therapies Southern Institute of Technology - SIT South Sanpete School District South Puget Sound Communicate College Skutt Catholic High School Seton Catholic Central High School Scotus Central Catholic High School San Luis Coastal Unified San Francisco Waldorf High School Saint Peter's University Saint John Paul II Academy Saint George’s School Saint George’s School Saint John Paul II Academy Saint Louis University* - UPP Saint Mary’s University * - ILAC Saint Peter's University San Francisco Waldorf High School San Luis Coastal Unified Scotus Central Catholic High School Seton Catholic Central High School Shattuck-St. Mary’s School * - GE Sherbrooke Academy Junior Campus * - LBPSB Sherbrooke Academy Senior Campus * - LBPSB Skutt Catholic High School Sooke School District * - Educatius Sources Adult and Career Centre * - LBPSB South Puget Sound Communicate College South Sanpete School District Southern Institute of Technology - SIT Southern School of Natural Therapies St Dominic’s Catholic College St Patrick Elementary School St. Andrews School St. Andrew's School St. Anthony Elementary School * - LBPSB St. Charles Elementary School * - LBPSB St. Croix Lutheran High School * - UPP St. Edmund Elementary School St. James Catholic Middle School St. John Fisher Elementary School Junior Campus * - LBPSB St. John Fisher Senior Campus St. John’s Jesuit High School * - GE St. John’s Ravenscourt School * - Educatius St. Joseph High School St. Joseph's Preparatory School St. Lawrence College * - ILAC St. Mary Academy St. Patrick St. Patrick Elementary School * - LBPSB St. Paul Catholic High School St. Peter St. Philip Catholic Central High School St. Pius X High School St. Thomas Aquinas School* - ASG St. Thomas High School * - LBPSB St. Vincent de Paul High School Stenberg College * - StudyGroup Stoneleigh Stott’s Colleges * Sturgis Public Schools * - Educatius Sullivan University SUNY SUNY SUNY SUNY SUNY SUNY SAE Institute * - Navitas SAE Institute GmbH - Germany - Navitas * SAIBT - South Australian Institute of Business and Technology * - Navitas South Australia College of English Southern Cross University - SCU St Aloysius College - Adelaide St John’s Anglican College St. Mary's High School Saint John’s High School Selkirk College * - ILAC Saint Paul Lutheran High School * - GE St Andrews Grammar * Springdale Elementary School * - LBPSB Sunshine Academy St. Andrew School Southern Illinois University St John’s International College Schools of the Sacred Heart & Berchmans Academy St Mary’s Anglican Girls School * Springwood School St Brigid’s College * Saint Mary's High School St. Mary's Catholic High School Swan Christian College * Southern Cross Education Institute, SCEI SIBT - Sydney Institute of Business and Technology * - Navitas St. Thomas More School Squaw Valley Academy Soulanges Elementary School * - LBPSB Saint Andrew's St. Andrew's Sharpsville High School Smithtown Christian School Scotch College Saginaw Valley State University* - UPP Saint Stanislaus * - GE St. Croix High School * - GE SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences State University of New York at Oswego Singapore Institute of Management - SIM Swinburne University Vietnam St Hilda’s Anglican Girls School * St. Clair College * - ILAC St. Mary’s High School*- Edulink Seton Catholic Preparatory * - UPP Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board*- Educatius Saddleback College* - FLS Saddleback College* - UPP San Domenico School*- GE Santa Monica College * - ELS Santa Monica College * - Kaplan Santa Monica College* - UPP Shepherd University - Los Angeles* - Kaplan Skyline College * - ELS Skyline College* - UPP Southwestern Academy * - UPP Squaw Valley Academy * - GE Squaw Valley Academy * - ISES St. Patrick- St. Vincent High School * - Amerigo Saint Bernard School*- AIEP South Kent School * - GE Southern New Hampshire University * - UPP Saint Peter’s University * - UPP Saint Peter’s University* - FLS Saint Peter’s University* - Kaplan SUNY - State University of New York, Albany * - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Albany * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Brockport * - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Brockport * - SUNY Consortium SUNY State University of New York Fulton Montgomery Community College SUNY - State University of New York, Fulton Montgomery Community College * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Fulton-Montgomery Community College * - ELS Saint Mary’s High School St. Mary’s Catholic High School Saint John’s High School*- UPP SUNY - State University of New York, Old Westbury * - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Old Westbury * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Oneonta * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Oneonta* - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Oswego * - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Oswego * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York Polytechnic Institute Saint George’s School Shoreline Community College* - UPP Seattle Central College * - ELS Seattle Central College* - Kaplan Seattle Central College* - UPP South Puget Sound Community College * - ELS St Johnsbury Academy * - Educatius St. Johnsbury Academy * - GE Saint Andrew’s-Sewanee School * - ISES St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School*- GE St. Andrew’s School Stuart Hall School * - ISES St. Margaret’s School * - GE St. Margaret’s School * - ISES St. Joseph’s Preparatory School*- AIEP Saint Paul Lutheran High School * - Educatius St Croix Lutheran School * - Educatius Saint John’s preparatory school * - GE Saginaw Valley State University* - Kaplan Saint Edward’s School * - Educatius Saint Joseph Preparatory High School * - IP Edu Stafford House International * - CEG Stoneleigh-Burnham School * - Educatius Saint John’s High School * - AIEP St. John’s Academy * - Educatius Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Seton Hall University SUNY Morrisville Seattle University Sault College Seton Hill University Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville Springdale Preparatory School SMEAG Global Education Stafford House International SAE Institute GmbH - Germany Stamford International University Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield Hallam University Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) Swinburne University of Technology Susquehanna University Surrey School District, International Education Department Suffolk University Boston Subiaco Academy Stuart Hall School Stowe High School Stott’s Colleges Stony Brook University Stoneleigh Burnham School Stockton University Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT) Stetson University Sterling College Stenberg College International (SCI) Stenberg College Steamboat Mountain School State University of New York Polytechnic Institute (SUNY) Stanley College St. Timothy's School St. Paul’s International College St. Norbert College St. Mary's Ryken High School St. Margaret's School St. Lawrence College (SLC) St. Joseph Notre Dame High School St. Joseph Academy St. John’s Ravenscourt School St. John's Jesuit High School St. John’s Academy St. John Paul II High School St. John Paul II Catholic High School St. John Bosco High School St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School St. Francis High School St. Clair College St. Christine School St. Catherine University St. Bernard Preparatory School St Margaret's School St Johnsbury Academy St Johns Preparatory School St John’s International College St Dominic’s Catholic College St Andrew’s College St Aloysius College Sprott Shaw College Spokane Falls Community College Spokane Community College Southwestern University Southwestern College Southwestern Academy Southern Ontario Collegiate (SOC) Southern New Hampshire University Southern Cross University (SCU) Southern Cross University (SCU) Southern Cross Education Institute (SCEI) Southern Arkansas University Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Southeast Missouri State University South Seattle College South Puget Sound Community College South Kent School South Dakota State University South Dakota School of Mines & Technology South Australian Institute of Business and Technology )(SAIBT) South Australia College of English (SACE) Sooke School District 62 Solebury School Skyline College Sinclair Community College Simon Fraser University Simcoe County District School Board Sierra Vista School District Shoreline Community College Shore Regional High School Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Sheridan College Shepherd University Shenandoah University Shattuck-St. Mary's School Shafston International College Seton Catholic Preparatory Sequoia Charter Schools District Seneca College Seattle Pacific University Seattle College Seattle Central College Scottsdale Unified School District Scottsburg High School Schools of the Sacred Heart & Berchmans Academy Schaumburg Christian School Scecina Memorial High School Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Sault College Saskatchewan Polytechnic Sarina Russo School Australia Santiago Canyon College Santa Rosa Junior College Santa Monica College Santa Barbara Unified School District Santa Barbara City College Santa Ana College San Mateo County Community College District San Marcos Academy San Luis Coastal Unified School District San Joaquin Memorial High School San Domenico School San Diego State University American Language Institute (ALI) Salve Regina University Salisbury School Salem University Saint Peter’s University Saint Paul Lutheran High School Saint Mary’s School Saint Louis University Saint Leo University Saint Joseph’s University Saint Joseph Preparatory High School Saint John's Preparatory School Saint Francis University Saint Edward's School Saint Bernard School Saginaw Valley State University SAE Creative Media Institute / Qantm College Saddleback College St Dominic's Catholic College St Andrew’s College Susquehanna University Suffolk University Boston Subiaco Academy Stuart Hall School Stowe High School Stony Brook University Stoneleigh Burnham School Stockton University Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT) Stetson University Steamboat Mountain School St. Timothy's School St. Norbert College St. Mary's Ryken High School St. Margaret's School St. Joseph Notre Dame High School St. Joseph Academy St. John's Jesuit High School St. John Paul II High School St. John Paul II Catholic High School St. John Bosco High School St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School St. Francis High School St. Christine School ST. Catherine University St. Bernard Preparatory School St Johnsbury Academy St Johns Preparatory School Squaw Valley Academy Spokane Falls Community College Spokane Community College Southwestern University Southwestern College Southwestern Academy Southern New Hampshire University Southern Arkansas University Southeast Missouri State University South Seattle College South Puget Sound Community College South Kent School South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Solebury School Skyline College Sinclair Community College Sierra Vista School District Shoreline Community College Shore Regional High School Shepherd University Shenandoah University Shattuck-St. Mary's School Seton Catholic Preparatory Sequoia Charter Schools District Seattle Pacific University (SPU) Seattle Colleges Seattle Central College Scottsdale Unified School District Scottsburg High School Schools of the Sacred Heart & Berchmans Academy Schaumburg Christian School Scecina Memorial High School Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Santiago Canyon College Santa Rosa Junior College Santa Monica College Santa Barbara Unified School District Santa Barbara City College San Marcos Academy San Luis Coastal Unified School District San Joaquin Memorial High School San Domenico School Salve Regina University Salisbury School Salem University Saint Peter's University Saint Paul Lutheran High School Saint Louis University Saint Leo University Saint Joseph's University Saint Joseph Preparatory High School Saint John's Preparatory School Saint Francis University Saint Edward's School Saint Bernard School Saginaw Valley State University Saddleback College State University of New York Polytechnic Institute (SUNY) Squaw Valley Academy Southwestern Academy South Dakota State University Seattle Pacific University Seattle College Santa Ana College San Mateo County Community College District San Diego State University American Language Institute (ALI) Saint Mary’s School Sterling College Stenberg College St. Lawrence College (SLC) St. John's Ravenscourt School St. John's Academy St Margaret's School Sooke School District 62 Simon Fraser University Sheridan College Seneca College Sault College Saskatchewan Polytechnic Surrey School District, International Education Department Stenberg College International (SCI) St. Clair College Sprott Shaw College Southern Ontario Collegiate (SOC) Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Simcoe County District School Board Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Seneca College Saskatchewan Polytechnic Swinburne University of Technology Stott's Colleges Southern Cross University (SCU) Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) South Australian Institute of Business and Technology )(SAIBT) SAE Creative Media Institute / Qantm College Swinburne University of Technology Stanley College St. Paul's International College St John's International College St Aloysius College Southern Cross University (SCU) Southern Cross Education Institute (SCEI) South Australia College of English (SACE) Shafston International College Sarina Russo School Australia St. George's University - School of Medicine Southern Alberta Institute of Technology St. John's Academy * - Educatius Saint John’s High School * - AIEP Stoneleigh-Burnham School * - Educatius Stafford House International * - CEG Saint Joseph Preparatory High School * - IP Edu Saint Edward's School * - Educatius Saginaw Valley State University* - Kaplan Saint John's preparatory school * - GE St Croix Lutheran School * - Educatius Saint Paul Lutheran High School * - Educatius St. Joseph's Preparatory School*- AIEP Saint Joseph's University St. Margaret's School * - ISES St. Margaret's School * - GE Stuart Hall School * - ISES St. Timothy's School St. Mary's Ryken High School St. Andrew's School St. Andrew's-Sewanee School*- GE Saint Andrew's-Sewanee School * - ISES St. Johnsbury Academy * - GE St Johnsbury Academy * - Educatius South Puget Sound Community College * - ELS Seattle Central College* - UPP Seattle Central College* - Kaplan Seattle Central College * - ELS Shoreline Community College* - UPP Saint George's School SUNY - State University of New York Polytechnic Institute SUNY - State University of New York, Oswego * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Oswego * - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Oneonta* - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Oneonta * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Old Westbury * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Old Westbury * - ELS Saint John's High School*- UPP St. Mary's Catholic High School Saint Mary's High School SUNY - State University of New York, Fulton-Montgomery Community College * - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Fulton Montgomery Community College * - SUNY Consortium SUNY State University of New York Fulton Montgomery Community College SUNY - State University of New York, Brockport * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Brockport * - ELS SUNY - State University of New York, Albany * - SUNY Consortium SUNY - State University of New York, Albany * - ELS Saint Peter's University* - Kaplan Saint Peter's University* - FLS Saint Peter's University * - UPP Southern New Hampshire University * - UPP South Kent School * - GE Saint Bernard School*- AIEP St. Patrick- St. Vincent High School * - Amerigo Squaw Valley Academy * - ISES Squaw Valley Academy * - GE Southwestern Academy * - UPP Skyline College* - UPP Skyline College * - ELS Shepherd University - Los Angeles* - Kaplan Santa Monica College* - UPP Santa Monica College * - Kaplan Santa Monica College * - ELS San Domenico School*- GE Saddleback College* - UPP Saddleback College* - FLS Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board*- Educatius Seton Catholic Preparatory * - UPP St. Mary's High School*- Edulink St. Clair College * - ILAC St Hilda's Anglican Girls School * Sheridan College Sheffield Hallam University ** Swinburne University Vietnam Singapore Institute of Management - SIM State University of New York at Oswego Sheffield Hallam University SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences St. George's University - School of Medicine St. Croix High School * - GE Subiaco Academy St. Johnsbury Academy Saint Leo University Saint Stanislaus * - GE Stamford International University Southwestern College Shore Regional High School Saginaw Valley State University* - UPP Saint Bernard School Scotch College Stowe High School St. Timothy's School South Kent School Smithtown Christian School Shoreline Community College Sharpsville High School St. Andrew's Saint Andrew's Susquehanna University Scottsburg High School Schaumburg Christian School San Domenico School Soulanges Elementary School * - LBPSB Squaw Valley Academy St. Thomas More School SIBT - Sydney Institute of Business and Technology * - Navitas Southern Cross Education Institute (SCEI) Simcoe County District School Board Swan Christian College * St. Mary's Catholic High School Saint Mary's High School Saint Francis University St. Mary's Ryken High School Springwood School Schools of the Sacred Heart & Berchmans Academy Stockton University St John's International College Southern Illinois University St. Andrew School Sunshine Academy Springdale Elementary School * - LBPSB St Andrews Grammar * St. Norbert College Stetson University Saint Paul Lutheran High School * - GE Saint John's preparatory school Selkirk College * - ILAC St. John Bosco High School Saint John's High School St. Paul's International College St. Mary's High School St John's Anglican College St Aloysius College - Adelaide Southern Cross University - SCU South Australia College of English Sarina Russo School Australia SAIBT - South Australian Institute of Business and Technology * - Navitas SAE Institute GmbH - Germany - Navitas * SAE Institute * - Navitas Swinburne University of Technology Surrey School District, International Education Department SUNY SUNY SUNY SUNY SUNY SUNY Sullivan University Sturgis Public Schools * - Educatius Stuart Hall School Stoneleigh Burnham School Stoneleigh Stenberg College * - StudyGroup Steamboat Mountain School Stafford House International * - CEG St. Vincent de Paul High School St. Thomas High School * - LBPSB St. Thomas Aquinas School* - ASG St. Pius X High School St. Philip Catholic Central High School St. Peter St. Paul Catholic High School St. Patrick Elementary School * - LBPSB St. Patrick St. Mary Academy St. Lawrence College * - ILAC St. Joseph's Preparatory School St. Joseph Notre Dame High School St. Joseph High School St. John's Ravenscourt School * - Educatius St. John's Jesuit High School * - GE St. John's Academy St. John Paul II High School St. John Paul II Catholic High School St. John Fisher Senior Campus St. John Fisher Elementary School Junior Campus * - LBPSB St. James Catholic Middle School St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School St. Francis High School St. Edmund Elementary School St. Croix Lutheran High School * - UPP St. Clair College St. Charles Elementary School * - LBPSB St. Anthony Elementary School * - LBPSB St. Andrew's School St. Andrews School St Patrick Elementary School St Margaret's School St Dominic's Catholic College St Andrew’s College Sprott Shaw College Spokane Falls Community College Spokane Community College Southwestern Academy Southern School of Natural Therapies* - Laureate Southern New Hampshire University Southern Institute of Technology - SIT Southern Arkansas University Southeast Missouri State University South Seattle College South Sanpete School District South Puget Sound Community College South Puget Sound Communicate College South Dakota State University Sources Adult and Career Centre * - LBPSB Sooke School District * - Educatius Solebury School SMEAG Global Education Skutt Catholic High School Sierra Vista School District Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Sherbrooke Academy Senior Campus * - LBPSB Sherbrooke Academy Junior Campus * - LBPSB Shepherd University Shattuck-St. Mary's School * - GE Seton Catholic Preparatory Seton Catholic Central High School Sequoia Charter Schools District Seattle Pacific University Seattle Central College Scotus Central Catholic High School Scottsdale Unified School District Scecina Memorial High School Saskatchewan Polytechnic Santiago Canyon College Santa Rosa Junior College Santa Barbara Unified School District Santa Barbara City College Santa Ana College San Mateo County Community College District San Marcos Academy San Luis Coastal Unified San Joaquin Memorial High School San Francisco Waldorf High School San Diego State University American Language Institute (ALI) Salve Regina University Saint Peter's University Saint Peter's University Saint Mary's University * - ILAC Saint Louis University* - UPP Saint Joseph's University Saint Joseph Preparatory High School Saint John Paul II Academy Saint George's School Saint Edward's School Saint Albert Catholic School Sacred Heart High School Sacred Heart Academy St Mary's Anglican Girls School * St Brigid's College * Stott's Colleges * Taylors College The University of Oklahoma The University of Warwick Teesside TEDI-London The Knox School The Cathedral School Tafe ACT- Canberra Institute of Technology TMC Educational Group (TMC Academy) Tafe Tafe Tafe The University of Tasmania Tacoma Community College Tacoma Public Schools TAFE English Language Centre (TELC) TAFE International Education Centre (TIEC) TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) TAFE New South Wales (TAFE NSW) TAFE Queensland TAFE South Australia TAFE Sydney English Centre (SITEC) Takapuna Grammar School Tallulah Falls School Tasmanian Government Schools TasTAFE (GETI) Tauranga Boys College Tauranga Girls College Taylors College Tennessee Tech University Tennessee Technical University Texas A&M Corpus Christi University Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (ISC) Texas State University Texas Tech University Texas Wesleyan University Thames Valley District School Board The Athenian School The Bolles School The Brook Hill School The Calverton School The Cambridge Matignon School The Charles Finney School The Culinary Institute of America The Episcopal School Of Texas (TMI) The First Academy The Gilbert School The Gordon Tafe Geelong The Great Lakes College of Toronto The Harley School The Hotel School Sydney The King's Academy The Kiski School The Language Company English Centers The Leelanau School The Linsly School The Los Angeles Film School The MacDuffie School The Madeira School The Marvelwood School The Newman School The Newman School (Homestay) The Northwest School The Orme School The Oxford Academy The Phelps School The Quarry Lane School The Stony Brook School The Storm King School The University of Oklahoma The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide College The University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Arizona The University of New South Wales (UNSW) The University of Newcastle College of International Education (CIE) The University of Queensland - UQ The University of Tampa The University of Tennessee The University of Toledo The University of Utah The University of West Alabama The University of Winnipeg The Vanguard School The Village School The White Mountain School Thomas Jefferson University Thompson Rivers University Thornton Academy Tiffin University Tilton School Toronto Catholic District School Board Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Toronto Metropolitan University ( Ryerson University) Toronto Metropolitan University International College (TMUIC) Toronto School District Board Torrens University Australia Totino-Grace High School Towson University Trent University Trine University Trinity Catholic High School Trinity Christian Academy Trinity College - The University of Melbourne Trinity-Pawling School Truckee Meadows Community College Tuart College Tulane University Turlock Christian School Tusculum University The North Coast College (Virginia Marti College of Art and Design) Tilburg University The University of Sheffield TASIS THE AMERICAN SCHOOL IN ENGLAND The Hague Pathway College (THPC) Twente Pathway College (TPC) Trinity College Dublin The College Swansea University The University of TULSA Temple University TLC-DFW (Texas Wesleyan University) TLC-Edmond (University of Central Oklahoma) TLC-Kirksville (Truman State University) TLC-South Bend (IU South Bend) Trinity Western University Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerso University) Texas A&M Corpus Christi (ISC) Toronto Metropolitan University TALK English School TMI - The Episcopal School Of Texas The Maine Girl’s Academy The University of Kansas (KU) Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi The University of Newcastle College The Winchendon School TAFE NSW English Language Centre - Ultimo Tauranga Boys College Trinity The Han Al High School The Gunston School The City College of New York The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) TMC Educational Group The University of Newcastle Australia The University of New South Wales - UNSW The Hotel School Sydney - SCU TALK English School TAFE NSW Trinity Lutheran High School Educatius Trinity Area High School Torrance Unified School District TMI Episcopal TMI The Woodstock Academy The Williams School The Wheeler School The Ursuline School The Sagemont School The Maine Girl's Academy The Kilmore International School - TKIS The Colorado Springs School The Campbell Institute The Calgary Board of Education Texas A&M University Tasmanian Government Schools (GETI) The University of Sydney The University of Melbourne Tasmanian Government Schools (GETI) Terry Fox Elementary School * - LBPSB Texas A&M University The Calgary Board of Education The Campbell Institute The Colorado Springs School The Kilmore International School - TKIS The Maine Girl's Academy The Sagemont School The University of Tulsa * - KIC The Ursuline School The Wheeler School The Williams School The Woodstock Academy Tiffin University * - Kaplan TMI TMI Episcopal Toronto Film School * - ILAC Toronto School District Board * - Educatius Torrance Unified School District Trinity Area High School Trinity Lutheran High School Educatius Trinity Western University * - ESLI TAFE NSW TALK English School The Hotel School Sydney - SCU The University of Adelaide College * The University of New South Wales - UNSW The University of Newcastle Australia TMC Educational Group Torrens University Australia * - Laureate Trinity College Dublin * TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) The City College of New York The Gunston School Totino-Grace High School * - GE The Han Al High School Trinity Tallulah Falls School * - GE Tauranga Boys College TAFE NSW English Language Centre - Ultimo The Winchendon School Twente Pathway College (TPC) * - Navitas The Hague Pathway College (THPC) * - Navitas The University of Newcastle College Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Taylors College* - Perth Taylors College* - Sydney The Orme School * - GE The Athenian School * - GE The Los Angeles Film School * - Kaplan The Quarry Lane School * - Educatius Trinity Catholic High School*- AIEP The Storm King School * - GE Trinity-Pawling School * - GE Tacoma Community College* - Kaplan The King’s Academy * - GE Tennessee Tech University* - UPP The University of Kansas (KU) The Maine Girl’s Academy Thornton Academy * - GE Thornton Academy * - ISES Thornton Academy * - UPP Tiffin University * - ELS The Calverton School * - Educatius Texas Wesleyan University* - Kaplan The Brook Hill School *- Educatius TMI - The Episcopal School Of Texas TMI Episcopal*- GE The Village School * - GE The Village School * - UPP The King’s Academy * - Educatius The King’s Academy * - GE Trinity Catholic High School * - Educatius TALK English School The Newman School * - ISES The MacDuffie School * - GE Toronto Metropolitan University Texas A&M Corpus Christi (ISC) Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerso University) Trinity Western University TLC-South Bend (IU South Bend) TLC-Kirksville (Truman State University) TLC-Edmond (University of Central Oklahoma) TLC-DFW (Texas Wesleyan University) Temple University The University of TULSA The College Swansea University Trinity College Dublin Twente Pathway College (TPC) The Hague Pathway College (THPC) TASIS THE AMERICAN SCHOOL IN ENGLAND The University of Sheffield Tilburg University The North Coast College (Virginia Marti College of Art and Design) Tusculum University Turlock Christian School Tulane University Tuart College Truckee Meadows Community College Trinity-Pawling School Trinity College - The University of Melbourne Trinity Christian Academy Trinity Catholic High School Trine University Trent University Towson University Totino-Grace High School Torrens University Australia Toronto School District Board Toronto Metropolitan University International College (TMUIC) Toronto Metropolitan University ( Ryerson University) Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Toronto Catholic District School Board TMC Educational Group (TMC Academy) Tilton School Tiffin University Thornton Academy Thompson Rivers University Thomas Jefferson University The White Mountain School The Village School The Vanguard School The University of Winnipeg The University of West Alabama The University of Utah The University of Tulsa The University of Toledo The University of Tennessee The University of Tampa The University of Queensland - UQ The University of Newcastle College of International Education (CIE) The University of New South Wales (UNSW) The University of Arizona The University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Adelaide College The University of Adelaide The University of Oklahoma The Storm King School The Stony Brook School The Quarry Lane School The Phelps School The Oxford Academy The Orme School The Northwest School The Newman School (Homestay) The Newman School The Marvelwood School The Madeira School The MacDuffie School The Los Angeles Film School The Linsly School The Leelanau School The Language Company English Centers The Knox School The Kiski School The King's Academy The Hotel School Sydney The Harley School The Great Lakes College of Toronto The Gordon Tafe Geelong The Gilbert School The First Academy The Episcopal School Of Texas (TMI) The Culinary Institute of America The Charles Finney School The Cambridge Matignon School The Calverton School The Brook Hill School The Bolles School The Athenian School Thames Valley District School Board Texas Wesleyan University Texas Tech University Texas State University Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (ISC) Texas A&M Corpus Christi University Tennessee Technical University Tennessee Tech University Taylors College Tauranga Girls College Tauranga Boys College TasTAFE (GETI) Tasmanian Government Schools Tallulah Falls School Takapuna Grammar School TAFE Sydney English Centre (SITEC) Tafe South Australia TAFE Queensland TAFE New South Wales (TAFE NSW) TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) TAFE International Education Centre (TIEC) TAFE English Language Centre (TELC) Tacoma Public Schools Tacoma Community College Text Test truong Test Test Test TMC Educational Group (TMC Academy) Tauranga Girls College Tauranga Boys College Takapuna Grammar School Tusculum University Turlock Christian School Tulane University Truckee Meadows Community College Trinity-Pawling School Trinity Christian Academy Trinity Catholic High School Trine University Towson University Totino-Grace High School Torrance Unified School District The Episcopal School Of Texas (TMI) Tilton School Tiffin University Thornton Academy Thomas Jefferson University The Woodstock Academy The Winchendon School The White Mountain School The Village School The Vanguard School The University of West Alabama The University of Utah The University of Tulsa The University of Toledo The University of Tennessee The University of Tampa The University of Arizona The University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Oklahoma The Storm King School The Stony Brook School The Quarry Lane School The Phelps School The Oxford Academy The Orme School The Northwest School The Newman School The Newman School (Homestay) The Marvelwood School The Madeira School The MacDuffie School The Los Angeles Film School The Linsly School The Leelanau School The Knox School The Kiski School The King's Academy The Harley School The Gilbert School The First Academy The Culinary Institute of America The Charles Finney School The Cambridge Matignon School The Calverton School The Brook Hill School The Bolles School The Athenian School Texas Wesleyan University Texas Tech University Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (ISC) Texas A&M Corpus Christi University Tennessee Technical University Tennessee Tech University Tallulah Falls School Tacoma Public Schools Tacoma Community College The University of Arizona The Language Company English Centers The Athenian School Texas Wesleyan University Texas State University Tacoma Community College Trent University Toronto School District Board Toronto Metropolitan University International College (TMUIC) Thompson Rivers University Trent University Toronto Metropolitan University ( Ryerson University) Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Toronto Catholic District School Board Thompson Rivers University The University of Winnipeg The Great Lakes College of Toronto Thames Valley District School Board Torrens University Australia The University of Newcastle College of International Education (CIE) The University of Adelaide College Taylors College TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) Tuart College Trinity College - The University of Melbourne The University of Queensland - UQ The University of New South Wales (UNSW) The University of Adelaide The Hotel School Sydney The Gordon Tafe Geelong TasTAFE (GETI) Tasmanian Government Schools TAFE Sydney English Centre (SITEC) Tafe South Australia TAFE Queensland TAFE New South Wales (TAFE NSW) TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) TAFE International Education Centre (TIEC) TAFE English Language Centre (TELC) Taylors College 1 Toronto Metropolitan University The MacDuffie School * - GE The MacDuffie School The Newman School * - ISES TALK English School Trinity Catholic High School * - Educatius The King's Academy * - GE The King's Academy * - Educatius The Phelps School The Village School * - UPP The Village School * - GE TMI Episcopal*- GE TMI - The Episcopal School Of Texas The Brook Hill School *- Educatius Texas Wesleyan University* - Kaplan The Calverton School * - Educatius Tiffin University * - ELS Thornton Academy * - UPP Thornton Academy * - ISES Thornton Academy * - GE The Maine Girl's Academy Trinity Catholic High School The University of Kansas (KU) Tennessee Technical University Tennessee Tech University* - UPP The King's Academy * - GE Tacoma Community College* - Kaplan Trinity-Pawling School * - GE The Storm King School * - GE Trinity Catholic High School*- AIEP The Quarry Lane School * - Educatius The Los Angeles Film School * - Kaplan The Athenian School * - GE The Orme School * - GE Taylors College* - Sydney Taylors College* - Perth Texas A&M University The University of Newcastle College TAFE South Australia Thompson River University Tilburg University The University of Sheffield TASIS THE AMERICAN SCHOOL IN ENGLAND * - GE The Hague Pathway College (THPC) * - Navitas Twente Pathway College (TPC) * - Navitas Trine University The Winchendon School The Oxford Academy TAFE NSW English Language Centre - Ultimo Tilton School Tauranga Boys College Tallulah Falls School * - GE The Kiski School The Charles Finney School Trinity The Madeira School The Orme School The Han Al High School Totino-Grace High School * - GE The Storm King School The Gunston School The Brook Hill School The City College of New York The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) Trinity College Dublin * Torrens University Australia * - Laureate TMC Educational Group The University of Queensland - UQ The University of Newcastle Australia The University of New South Wales - UNSW The University of Adelaide College * The University of Adelaide The Hotel School Sydney - SCU The College Swansea University * - Navitas TALK English School TAFE Sydney English Centre (SITEC) TAFE Queensland TAFE NSW TAFE International Education Centre (TIEC) TAFE English Language Centre (TELC) Turlock Christian School Trinity Western University * - ESLI Trinity Lutheran High School Educatius Trinity College - The University of Melbourne Trinity Christian Academy Trinity Area High School Trent University Torrance Unified School District Toronto School District Board * - Educatius Toronto Film School * - ILAC Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Toronto Catholic District School Board TMI Episcopal TMI Tiffin University * - Kaplan Thornton Academy Thompson Rivers University The White Mountain School The Woodstock Academy The Williams School The Wheeler School The Village School The Vanguard School The Ursuline School The University of Winnipeg The University of Tulsa * - KIC The Stony Brook School The Sagemont School The Phelps School The Northwest School The Newman School The Marvelwood School The Maine Girl's Academy The Linsly School The Leelanau School The Language Company English Centers The Knox School The King's Academy The King's Academy The Kilmore International School - TKIS The Harley School The Great Lakes College of Toronto The Gilbert School The First Academy The Colorado Springs School The Campbell Institute The Calverton School The Calgary Board of Education The Bolles School The Athenian School The Athenian School Thames Valley District School Board Texas Wesleyan University Texas Tech University Texas A&M University Terry Fox Elementary School * - LBPSB Tennessee Technical University Tennessee Tech University Taylors College* - Auckland - StudyGroup Tauranga Girls College TasTAFE (GETI) Tasmanian Government Schools (GETI) Takapuna Grammar School Tacoma Public Schools Tacoma Community College University of South Wales University of Nottingham University of York University of Sunderland University of Leicester University of Leicester University of Hull University of Sussex University of Edinburgh University of Dundee UCD – Dublin ISC University of Portsmouth University of Salford University of Law University of Greenwich University of Gloucestershire University of Exeter UWE Bristol (University of the West of England) University of Greenwich Vietnam University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) University of Mary Hardin-Baylor University of Notre Dame Australia University of New England UC International College (UCIC) UCI Irvine Extension UC Riverside Extension ULethbridge International College Calgary (UICC) UMass Boston GSSP Union County College Union Institute of Language (UIL) Universal Business School Sydney Universal Institute of Technology University Canada West (UCW) University of Alabama University of Bridgeport University of Calgary - Continuing Education University of Canada West (UCW) University of Canberra University of Canberra College (UC) University of Canterbury (UC) University of Central Florida University of Central Oklahoma University Of Charleston University of Cincinnati University of Dayton University of Delaware University Of Dubuque University of Findlay University of Guelph University of Hawaii University of Idaho University of Illinois at Chicago University Of Illinois Springfield University of Indianapolis University of Kansas University of La Verne University of Lynchburg University of Manitoba University of Manitoba - Extended Education University of Mary Washington University of Maryland (UMBC) University of Missouri University of Nebraska of Lincoln (UNL) University of Nevada Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno University of New Brunswick University of New Haven University of New Mexico University of North Alabama University of North Texas (UNT) University of Northern British Columbia University Of Portland University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) University of Redlands University of Regina University of Regina International (UR) University Of Saint Mary Kansas University of Saskatchewan University of Scranton University of South Carolina University of Southern Queensland University of Sydney University of Tampa University of Tasmania University of Tasmania International Pathway College University of Technology Sydney University of Tennessee University Of Texas At San Antonio University of the Commonwealth Caribbean University of The Incarnate Word University of the Pacific University of the Sciences University of Toledo University of Toronto University of Tulsa University of Utah University of Vermont (ISC) University of Victoria University of West Alabama University of West Florida University of Western Australia (UWA) University of Western Australia (UWA) University of Windsor University of Windsor (UWindsor) University of Winnipeg Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) University of Wollongong University Of Wyoming University Preparation College (UPC) UNSW Global Pty Limited (UNSW College) Upland Country Day School Upper Columbia Academy Upper Grand District School Board Upper Madison College Upper Madison College High School Urban International High School Urbandale High School Utah Tech University UWA College UTS College University of Wollongong College University of Newcastle University of Bristol University of Bristol University of Huddersfield University of Northampton University of Hertfordshire University of Northampton University of Hertforshire University of Lincoln University of Huddersfield University of Essex University of Anglia Ruskin University of Strathclyde, Glasgow University Academy 92 University of Northampton International College (UNIC) University of Liverpool University of Lincoln ISC University of Birmingham University of York International Pathways College University of Essex International College University of Nottingham International College UWE Bristol’s International College University of Westminster University of The West of England University of Sussex ISC University of Surrey ISC University of Strathclyde ISC University of Sheffield ISC University of Leicester ISC University of Leeds ISC University of Huddersfield ISC University of Glasgow University of Europe for Applied Sciences University of Brighton’s International College University of Brighton University of Bournemouth International College University of Aberdeen University College Dublin UPIC University of Leicester Global Study Centre University of Stirling University of Manchester University of North Carolina Wilmington University of Hartford University of Nebraska at Omaha UMASS Dartmouth University of The Fraser Valley University of Massachusetts Boston University of Nebraska - Omaha (UNO) University of Fraser Valley University of Calgary University of Melbourne University Preparation College University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Massachusetts Boston - Global Student Success Program University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Illinois Chicago UI - University of Idaho - Global Student Success Program University of Hawai’i, Kapiolani Community College University of Wisconsin-La Crosse University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Canterbury University of Western Australia Urban International School UC College Unity Christian High School Upper Iowa University UNSW Global University of Hawai'i, Kapiolani Community College Union Institute of Language - UIL Upper Madison College High School Upper Madison College UP International College New Zealand University of Wisconsin, Parkside University of Wisconsin – Marathon County University of Wisconsin – Manitowoc University of Wisconsin – Fond du Lac University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Waikato University of Vermont ISC University of St. Thomas University of South Florida University of Otago Foundation Studies University of North Texas University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Massachusetts Dartmouth University of Guelph Language Center University of Canada West University of California, Berkeley Extension University of California University of Calgary - English Language Program University of Arizona University Canada West Union Christian Academy UNH UI UC Irvine Extension University of the Sunshine Coast University of South Australia University of Western Sydney UTS College University of New South Wales UC Irvine Extension UI UNH Union Christian Academy University Canada West University of Arizona University of Calgary - English Language Program University of California University of California, Berkeley Extension University of Canada West University of Canterbury International College (UCIC) * - Navitas University of Cincinnati * - ELS University of Dayton* - ELS University of Findlay* - UPP University of Guelph Language Center University of Massachusetts Dartmouth University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Minnesota-Duluth* - ESLI University of Missouri - St. Louis* - ELS University of North Texas University of Otago Foundation Studies University of South Florida University of St. Thomas University of St. Thomas - Minnesota * - ELS University of Toronto - International Foundation Program * - ILAC University of Vermont ISC University of Waikato University of Windsor * - ILAC University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin – Fond du Lac University of Wisconsin – Manitowoc University of Wisconsin – Marathon County University of Wisconsin, Parkside UP International College New Zealand Upper Madison College Upper Madison College High School Ursuline High School * - ASG Union Institute of Language - UIL Universal Business School Sydney* University College Dublin * - StudyGroup University of Canberra College * - Navitas University of Hawai'i, Kapiolani Community College UNSW Global University of Regina * - Kaplan Upper Iowa University Unity Christian High School Ursula Frayne Catholic College * UC College Urban International School University of Western Australia University of Newcastle College of International Education (CIE) * - Kaplan University of Waikato * - Study Group University of Canterbury University of Guelph * University of Regina (UR) * - ILAC University of California - Los Angeles Extension* - Kaplan University of La Verne * - ELS University of La Verne* - UPP University of The Pacific * - Shorelight University of New Haven * - Kaplan University of New Haven* - UPP UNH - University of New Hampshire - Global Student Success Program * - Navitas University of Wisconsin - Barron County * - ELS University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin-La Crosse University of Wisconsin-Superior * - ESLI University of Utah * - Shorelight University of Hawai’i, Kapiolani Community College UI - University of Idaho - Global Student Success Program University of Illinois Chicago University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Dayton * - Shorelight University of Mississippi * - Shorelight University of Central Florida * - UPP University of Massachusetts Boston - Global Student Success Program University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Canada West * - ILAC University Preparation College University of Melbourne University of Calgary University of Fraser Valley University of Nebraska - Omaha (UNO) University of Massachusetts Boston University of The Fraser Valley UMASS Dartmouth University of Nebraska at Omaha University of Hartford University of North Carolina Wilmington University of Manchester University of Stirling University of Leicester Global Study Centre UPIC University College Dublin University of Aberdeen University of Bournemouth International College University of Brighton University of Brighton’s International College University of Europe for Applied Sciences University of Glasgow University of Huddersfield ISC University of Leeds ISC University of Leicester ISC University of Sheffield ISC University of Strathclyde ISC University of Surrey ISC University of Sussex ISC University of The West of England University of Westminster UWE Bristol’s International College University of Nottingham International College University of Essex International College University of York International Pathways College University of Birmingham University of Lincoln ISC University of Liverpool University of Northampton International College (UNIC) University Academy 92 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow University of Anglia Ruskin University of Essex University of Huddersfield University of Lincoln University of Hertforshire University of Northampton University of Hertfordshire University of Northampton University of Huddersfield University of Bristol University of Bristol University of Newcastle University of Wollongong College UTS College UWA College Utah Tech University Urbandale High School Urban International High School Upper Madison College High School Upper Madison College Upper Grand District School Board Upper Columbia Academy Upland Country Day School UNSW Global Pty Limited (UNSW College) University Preparation College (UPC) University Of Wyoming University of Wollongong University of Winnipeg Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) University of Windsor (UWindsor) University of Windsor University of Western Australia (UWA) University of Western Australia (UWA) University of West Florida University of West Alabama University of Victoria University of Vermont (ISC) University of Utah University of Tulsa University of Toronto University of Toledo University of the Sunshine Coast University of the Sciences University of the Pacific University of The Incarnate Word University of The Fraser Valley University of the Commonwealth Caribbean University Of Texas At San Antonio University of Tennessee University of Technology Sydney University of Tasmania International Pathway College University of Tasmania University of Tampa University of Sydney University of Southern Queensland University of South Carolina University of South Australia University of Scranton University of Saskatchewan University Of Saint Mary Kansas University of Regina International (UR) University of Regina University of Redlands University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) University Of Portland University of Northern British Columbia University of North Texas (UNT) University of North Alabama University of New Mexico University of New Haven University of New Brunswick University of Nevada Reno University of Nevada Las Vegas University of Nebraska of Lincoln (UNL) University of Missouri University of Maryland (UMBC) University of Mary Washington University of Mary Hardin-Baylor University of Manitoba - Extended Education University of Manitoba University of Lynchburg University of La Verne University of Kansas University of Indianapolis University Of Illinois Springfield University of Illinois at Chicago University of Idaho University of Hawaii University of Guelph University of Greenwich Vietnam University of Findlay University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) University Of Dubuque University of Delaware University of Dayton University of Cincinnati University Of Charleston University of Central Oklahoma University Of Central Florida University of Canterbury (UC) University of Canberra College (UC) University of Canberra University of Canada West (UCW) University of Calgary - Continuing Education University of Bridgeport University of Alabama University Canada West (UCW) Universal Institute of Technology Universal Business School Sydney Union Institute of Language (UIL) Union County College UMass Boston GSSP ULethbridge International College Calgary (UICC) UC Riverside Extension UCI Irvine Extension UC International College (UCIC) University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) University of Greenwich Vietnam UC International College (UCIC) University of Canterbury (UC) Utah Tech University Urbandale High School Upper Columbia Academy Upland Country Day School University Of Wyoming University of West Florida University of West Alabama University of Vermont (ISC) University of Utah University of Tulsa University of Toledo University of the Sciences University of the Pacific University of The Incarnate Word University of the Commonwealth Carbbean University Of Texas At San Antonio University of Tennessee University of Tampa University of South Carolina University of Scranton University Of Saint Mary Kansas University of Redlands University Of Portland University of North Alabama University of New Mexico University of New Haven University of Nevada Reno University of Nevada Las Vegas University of Nebraska of Lincoln (UNL) University of Missouri University of Maryland (UMBC) University of Mary Washington University of Mary Hardin-Baylor University of Lynchburg University of La Verne University of Kansas University of Indianapolis University Of Illinois Springfield University of Illinois at Chicago University of Idaho University of Hawaii University of Findlay University Of Dubuque University of Delaware University of Dayton University of Cincinnati University Of Charleston University of Central Oklahoma University Of Central Florida University of Bridgeport University of Alabama Union County College UMass Boston GSSP UC Riverside Extension UC Irvine Extension University of Canada West * - ILAC University of Wisconsin University of North Texas (UNT) University of La Verne University of Cincinnati University of Winnipeg Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) University of Windsor (UWindsor) University of Victoria University of The Fraser Valley University of Regina University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) University of Northern British Columbia University of New Brunswick University of Guelph University of Canada West (UCW) ULethbridge International College Calgary (UICC) Urban International High School Upper Madison College High School Upper Madison College Upper Grand District School Board University of Windsor University of Toronto University of Saskatchewan University of Regina International (UR) University of Manitoba - Extended Education University of Manitoba University of Guelph University of Calgary - Continuing Education University Canada West (UCW) UWA College University of Western Australia (UWA) University of the Sunshine Coast University of Tasmania International Pathway College University of Sydney University of Canberra College (UC) Universal Institute of Technology Universal Business School Sydney UNSW Global Pty Limited (UNSW College) University Preparation College (UPC) University of Wollongong University of Western Australia (UWA) University of Technology Sydney University of Tasmania University of Southern Queensland University of South Australia University of Canberra Universal Institute of Technology Union Institute of Language (UIL) University of Calgary University of Melbourne University of Sydney University Preparation College University of Canada West * - ILAC University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Massachusetts Boston - Global Student Success Program University of Central Florida * - UPP University of Mississippi * - Shorelight University of Cincinnati University of Dayton * - Shorelight University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Illinois Chicago UI - University of Idaho - Global Student Success Program University of Hawai'i, Kapiolani Community College University of South Carolina University of Utah * - Shorelight University of Wisconsin-Superior * - ESLI University of Wisconsin-La Crosse University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin - Barron County * - ELS UNH - University of New Hampshire - Global Student Success Program * - Navitas University of New Haven* - UPP University of New Haven * - Kaplan University of The Pacific * - Shorelight University of La Verne* - UPP University of La Verne * - ELS University of California - Los Angeles Extension* - Kaplan University of Manitoba - Extended Education University of Regina (UR) * - ILAC University of Guelph * University of Canterbury University of Waikato * - Study Group University of Bristol*- KIC University of Bristol*- KIC University of Newcastle College of International Education (CIE) * - Kaplan University of Western Australia University of Huddersfield ** University of Northampton ** University of Hertfordshire University of Essex ** University of Lincoln University of Anglia Ruskin University of Northampton University of Hertforshire University of Huddersfield University of Essex Urban International School University of Strathclyde, Glasgow University Academy 92 UTS College UC College University of Northampton International College (UNIC) * - Navitas University of Liverpool*- KIC University of Lincoln ISC*-StudyGroup University of Birmingham*- KIC University of York International Pathways College * - KIC Ursula Frayne Catholic College * Urbandale High School Upper Columbia Academy Upper Grand District School Board Unity Christian High School University of La Verne Upland Country Day School Upper Iowa University University of Essex International College*- KIC University of Nottingham International College * - KIC University of Regina * - Kaplan UWE Bristol's International College * - KIC UNSW Global University of Wollongong University of Westminster*- KIC University of The West of England University of Technology Sydney University of Sussex ISC * - StudyGroup University of Surrey ISC * - StudyGroup University of Strathclyde ISC*-Study Group University of South Australia University of Sheffield ISC* - StudyGroup University of Leicester ISC*-Study Group University of Leeds ISC *-StudyGroup University of Huddersfield ISC * - StudyGroup University of Hawai'i, Kapiolani Community College University of Glasgow*- KIC University of Europe for Applied Sciences University of Canberra College * - Navitas University of Canberra University of Brighton's International College *-KIC University of Brighton*- KIC University of Bournemouth International College * - KIC University of Aberdeen * - StudyGroup University College Dublin * - StudyGroup Universal Business School Sydney* Union Institute of Language - UIL UPIC University of Leicester Global Study Centre Ursuline High School * - ASG Urban International High School Upper Madison College High School Upper Madison College UP International College New Zealand University of Wisconsin, Parkside University of Wisconsin – Marathon County University of Wisconsin – Manitowoc University of Wisconsin – Fond du Lac University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin University of Windsor * - ILAC University of Waikato University of Vermont ISC University of Toronto - International Foundation Program * - ILAC University of The Incarnate Word University of Tennessee University of Tasmania University of Tampa University of St. Thomas - Minnesota * - ELS University of St. Thomas University of South Florida University of Scranton University of Saskatchewan University of Redlands University of Otago Foundation Studies University of North Texas University of New Haven University of Nevada, Reno University of Missouri - St. Louis* - ELS University of Minnesota-Duluth* - ESLI University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Massachusetts Dartmouth University of Massachusetts Boston University of Mary Washington University of Manitoba University of Lynchburg University of Indianapolis University of Idaho University of Hartford University of Guelph Language Center University of Guelph University of Findlay* - UPP University of Dayton* - ELS University of Cincinnati * - ELS University of Central Florida University of Canterbury International College (UCIC) * - Navitas University of Canada West University of California, Berkeley Extension University of California University of Calgary - English Language Program University of Bridgeport University of Arizona University Canada West Universal Institute of Technology Union County College Union Christian Academy UNH UI UC Riverside Extension UC Irvine Extension University of Stirling University of Manchester Valley International Academy Vocational education and training (VET) Valley Forge Military Academy Valley Forge Military Academy and College Vancouver Film School Vancouver Island University Vancouver Premier College Vancouver School Board Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute Vaughan College Vaughn College Verde Valley School Vermont Technical College Vernon Township High School Victoria University Victoria University of Wellington Villanova Preparatory School Virginia Wesleyan University Viterbo University Vacaville Christian School Vermont Academy Virginia Commonwealth University Vanier College Language School Valley Lutheran High School Valley Lutheran High School * - Educatius Valley Lutheran High School Vancouver Community College * - ILAC Vancouver Island University * - ILAC Vanier College Language School Verdun Adult and Career Centre * - LBPSB Verdun Elementary School * - LBPSB Vernon School District * - Educatius Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Marti College of Art and Design* - Kaplan Vermont Academy Vacaville Christian School Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute * - Educatius Virginia Marti College of Art and Design * - ELS Valley Forge Military Academy * - ISES Valley Forge Military Academy * - Educatius Vancouver School Board * - Educatius Viterbo University Virginia Wesleyan University Villanova Preparatory School Victoria University of Wellington Victoria University Vernon Township High School Vermont Technical College Verde Valley School Vaughn College Vaughan College Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute Vancouver School Board Vancouver Premier College Vancouver Island University Vancouver Film School Valley International Academy Valley Forge Military Academy and College Valley Forge Military Academy Victoria University of Wellington Viterbo University Virginia Wesleyan University Virginia Marti College of Art and Design Villanova Preparatory School Vernon Township High School Vermont Technical College Verde Valley School Vaughn College Valley International Academy Valley Forge Military Academy and College Valley Forge Military Academy Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute Vancouver Island University Vancouver Film School Vaughan College Vanier College Language School Vancouver School Board Vancouver Premier College Victoria University Vancouver School Board * - Educatius Valley Forge Military Academy * - Educatius Valley Forge Military Academy * - ISES Virginia Marti College of Art and Design * - ELS Victoria University of Wellington Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute * - Educatius Vacaville Christian School Verde Valley School Vermont Academy Vermont Technical College Vaughn College Valley International Academy Viterbo University Virginia Marti College of Art and Design* - Kaplan Virginia Commonwealth University Villanova Preparatory School Vernon School District * - Educatius Verdun Elementary School * - LBPSB Verdun Adult and Career Centre * - LBPSB Vaughan College Vanier College Language School Vancouver School Board Vancouver Premier College Vancouver Island University * - ILAC Vancouver Community College * - ILAC Valley Lutheran High School Valley Lutheran High School * - Educatius Valley Forge Military Academy and College Whitestone Academy Wagner College Wasatch Academy Washington Academy Washington College Washington State University Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) Wayland Academy Wellington College Wellington Girls College Wellington High school Wentworth Institute Of Technology Wesley College West Catholic High School West Chester University West Coast College of Massage Therapy West Nottingham Academy West Virginia University (ISC) Western Michigan University Western Oregon University Western Sydney University - Sydney City Campus Western Sydney University International College Western University Canada Western Washington University (ISC) Westfield State University Westlake Boys High School Westlake Girls’ High School Westwood Senior High School Whatcom Community College Whistler Adventure School White Mountain School Whittier Christian School Whittier College Wichita State University Wilbraham and Monson Academy Wilfrid Laurier International College (WLIC) Wilfrid Laurier University Wilkes University Willamette University William Angliss Institute William Jewell College Williamsburg Christian Academy Willowdale High School Wilson College Winchendon School Windermere Preparatory School Windsor Essex Catholic School Board Winnebago Lutheran Academy Winthrop High School Wisconsin Lutheran High School Woodlands Academy Woodstock Academy Worcester Academy Westcliff University Wilffrid Laurie University Western New England University Wright State University William Jessup University Washington State University Western Washington University ISC William Angliss Institute - Singapore Windermere Prep School Whitinsville Christian School Wellington Girls College Wellington College Wooster School Windsor Wilfred Laurier University Western Washington University Western Kentucky University West Vancouver District School Board West Texas A&M University Wesley College Waynflete High School Watkinson School Waring School*- AIEP Watkinson School Waynflete High School Wesley College West Catholic High School * - Educatius West Coast College of Massage Therapy * - ILAC West Island Career Centre * - LBPSB West Texas A&M University West Vancouver District School Board West Virginia University * - Study Group Western Kentucky University Western Michigan University * - ELS Western Washington University Westwood High School Junior Campus * - LBPSB Westwood High School Senior Campus * - LBPSB Westwood Senior High School * - Educatius Wilfred Laurier University Windsor Windsor Essex Catholic School Board * - Educatius Wooster School Western Sydney University Sydney City Campus * - Navitas Western Sydney University International College * - Navitas Western Sydney University - Sydney City Campus * William Blue College of Hospitality Management * - Laureate Westpark Elementary School * - LBPSB Wilder Penfield Elementary School * - LBPSB William Jewell College * - Wellspring Wellington College Wellington Girls College Whistler Adventure School * - ILAC Whitinsville Christian School Windermere Prep School Windermere Preparatory School * - UPP Wesley College * William Angliss Institute - Singapore Woodstock Academy * - ISES Whitestone Academy * - GE Western Washington University ISC Wasatch Academy * - Educatius Wasatch Academy * - GE Windermere Preparatory School * - Educatius Washington Academy * - GE Washington Academy * - ISES West Nottingham Academy * - GE West Nottingham Academy * - ISES Wilbraham & Monson Academy*- GE Wilbraham and Monson Academy * - UPP Winchendon School * - ISES Washington State University William Jessup University Wright State University Western New England University Wilffrid Laurie University Westcliff University Worcester Academy Woodstock Academy Woodlands Academy Wisconsin Lutheran High School Winthrop High School Winnebago Lutheran Academy Windsor Essex Catholic School Board Windermere Preparatory School Winchendon School Wilson College Willowdale High School Williamsburg Christian Academy William Jewell College William Angliss Institute Willamette University Wilkes University Wilfrid Laurier University Wilfrid Laurier International College (WLIC) Wilbraham and Monson Academy Wichita State University Whittier College Whittier Christian School Whitestone Academy White Mountain School Whistler Adventure School Whatcom Community College Westwood Senior High School Westlake Girls High School Westlake Boys High School Westfield State University Western Washington University (ISC) Western University Canada Western Sydney University International College Western Sydney University - Sydney City Campus Western Oregon University Western New England University Western Michigan University West Virginia University (ISC) West Nottingham Academy West Coast College of Massage Therapy West Chester University West Catholic High School Wesley College Wentworth Institute Of Technology Wellington High School Wellington Girls College Wellington College Wayland Academy Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) Washington State University Washington College Washington Academy Wasatch Academy Wagner College Worcester Academy Western New England University William Angliss Institute Westlake Girls High School Westlake Boys High School Wellington High School Wellington Girls College Wellington College Worcester Academy Woodstock Academy Woodlands Academy Wisconsin Lutheran High School Winthrop High School Winnebago Lutheran Academy Windermere Preparatory School Winchendon School Wilson College William Jewell College Willamette University Wilkes University Wilbraham and Monson Academy Wilbraham & Monson Academy Wichita State University Whittier College Whittier Christian School Whitestone Academy White Mountain School Whatcom Community College Westfield State University Western Washington University (ISC) Western Oregon University Western New England University Western Michigan University West Virginia University (ISC) West Nottingham Academy West Chester University West Catholic High School Wentworth Institute Of Technology Wayland Academy Washington State University Washington College Washington Academy Wasatch Academy Wagner College Williamsburg Christian Academy Windsor Essex Catholic School Board Wilfrid Laurier International College (WLIC) Whistler Adventure School Westwood Senior High School Western University Canada West Coast College of Massage Therapy Willowdale High School Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) Western Sydney University International College Western Sydney University - Sydney City Campus William Angliss Institute Wesley College Winchendon School * - ISES Wilbraham and Monson Academy * - UPP Wilbraham & Monson Academy*- GE West Nottingham Academy * - ISES West Nottingham Academy * - GE West Nottingham Academy Washington Academy * - ISES Washington Academy * - GE Windermere Preparatory School * - Educatius Wasatch Academy * - GE Wasatch Academy * - Educatius Western Washington University ISC Whitestone Academy * - GE Woodstock Academy * - ISES William Angliss Institute - Singapore Wesley College * Winthrop High School Windermere Preparatory School * - UPP Windermere Prep School Winchendon School Wilbraham and Monson Academy Whitinsville Christian School Whistler Adventure School * - ILAC Wellington Girls College Westlake Girls' High School Wellington College Wellington High school William Jewell College Washington Academy Wilder Penfield Elementary School * - LBPSB Westpark Elementary School * - LBPSB Washington College Wayland Academy William Blue College of Hospitality Management * - Laureate Western Sydney University - Sydney City Campus * Western Sydney University International College * - Navitas Western Sydney University Sydney City Campus * - Navitas Worcester Academy Wooster School Woodstock Academy Woodlands Academy Wisconsin Lutheran High School Winnebago Lutheran Academy Windsor Essex Catholic School Board * - Educatius Windsor William Angliss Institute Willamette University Wilfred Laurier University * - ILAC Wichita State University Whittier Christian School Whitestone Academy White Mountain School Whatcom Community College Westwood Senior High School * - Educatius Westwood High School Senior Campus * - LBPSB Westwood High School Junior Campus * - LBPSB Westlake Boys High School Western Washington University Western New England University Western Michigan University * - ELS Western Kentucky University West Virginia University * - Study Group West Vancouver District School Board West Texas A&M University West Island Career Centre * - LBPSB West Coast College of Massage Therapy * - ILAC West Chester University West Catholic High School * - Educatius Wesley College Waynflete High School Watkinson School Wasatch Academy Waring School*- AIEP Wagner College Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board * - Educatius Xavier University Xavier High School Xavier College Preparatory School Xavier College Preparatory School Xavier High School Xavier University Xavier High School Xavier College Preparatory School York College Of Pennsylvania York Region District School Board York University York University English Language Institute (YUELI) Yorkville University Young Harris College Youngstown State University Yoobee Colleges Yoobee Colleges Young Harris College * - Wellspring Youngstown State University Young Harris College Yorkville University York University English Language Institute (YUELI) York University York Region District School Board York College Of Pennsylvania Youngstown State University Young Harris College York College Of Pennsylvania Yorkville University York University English Language Institute (YUELI) York University York Region District School Board Young Harris College * - Wellspring York Region District School Board Yoobee Colleges
Scholarship type (all)
HB Trung học/ Pathway / Dự bị Đại học/ Cao đẳng High School Foundation Foundation/ College Foundation/ College/ Pre-master Foundation/ College/ Undergraduate Foundation/ College/ Undergraduate/ Post-graduate Foundation/ Undergraduate/ Post-graduate College College/ Undergraduate College/ Undergraduate/ Post-graduate College/ Post-graduate Undergraduate Undergraduate/ Post-graduate Undergraduate/ Housing English English/ Foundation English/ Foundation/ College English/ College/ Undergraduate/ Post-graduate Post-graduate Housing HB Pathway HB Trung học/ Pathway