The annual cost for studying abroad in Korea is around 7.000 USD – 11.000 USD (160 million VND – 250 million VND per year), including tuition fees and living expenses.
1. Tuition fees in Korean Universities
Studying abroad costs vary among different universities and areas. Korean best universities always charge more.
A foreign language course in Korean best universities (especially in Seoul) costs about 5.600.000 – 7.000.000 KRW per year. Other areas can charge around 4.000.000 – 5.200.000 KRW. Universities with above-average tuition fees are the best ones or those located in Seoul.
Since the quality of education does not differ considerably, your school choices will depend the most on your financial ability, learning capacity, and course orientation.
2. Dorm fees or rental fees in Korea
In Korea, the cost of living accounts for the majority of international students’ expenses. All schools usually require Vietnamese students to live in dorms for the first 6 months, encouraging them to get used to the language, culture, people, and security.
Some schools that have not got dorms or a big enough space for all students would offer them rental assistance.
3. Living expenses in Korea
The amount of money spent on food and drinks is necessary yet different among people depending on how they spend it.
Cooking is the best way to save money for living expenses. Food and ingredients can be bought at supermarkets. A homemade meal in Korea costs an average of around 5.000 KRW while eating out may cost around 10.000 KRW. Food in the school’s cafeteria costs at least 3.000-5.000 KRW for a meal.
Some workplaces offer lunch/dinner for the staff, so it can also be considered a good saving method for international students.
4. Commuting expenses in Korea
The traffic in Korea is different from Vietnam. Koreans have this habit of commuting on subways, buses, or cars. A subway trip costs around 2.000 KRW while a bus trip costs 1.500 KRW. Credit cards and T-Money cards can be used to pay for transportation fares. You don't have to use cash. If you use the bus and train regularly, it costs about 40.000 - 70.000 KRW per month. You can choose to live near the school to minimize commuting expenses.
5. Health Insurance in Korea
As regulated by the Korean government, all international students entering the country must pay for insurance annually. Each school will have different insurance rates, depending on the type of insurance the school is associated with. The amount of insurance you need to pay annually is about 120.000 - 150.000 KRW per year.
The cost of medical examination and treatment in Korea is high. Therefore, insurance will be a lifesaver in your time of need. Besides, if you do not have insurance, you will not be able to get a scholarship!
6. Other expenses in Korea
Materials such as textbooks and documents are compulsory. Intellectual property is considered vital in Korea, meaning only original books are allowed, not photocopied ones. You will be able to use high-quality books that cost around 10.000 – 50.000 KRW each. The annual amount spent on materials is about 50.000 – 100.000 KRW. Lastly, do not forget to prepare money for traveling, shopping, and hanging out with your friends!
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